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I wake up to the sound of screaming and the rattling of chains.
I open my eyes, appreciating the lack of light, and look around me.

My hands are chained to the wall with rusty chains, my clothes have been swapped for a pair of grubby sweatpants and a long shirt that's clearly too big, my feet are bare but covered by a thin grey blanket that doesn't keep me warm in the slightest.

Around me are slumped, sleeping bodies, their chests rising and falling as they breathe slowly, thin blankets covering their dirty bodies. One tries to turn over in their sleep, but gets woken up by the chains pulling at their arms and the blanket falling off their body.

"She's not at it again is she?" They groan, sitting up and rubbing their eyes.

The voice sounds male, but I can't tell in the darkness whether they are or not. But it doesn't really matter.

"Hey Wendy, shut the fuck up!" They shout, rattling the chains like Marley's ghost for emphasis.

The screaming stops, but is replaced by annoying whimpering like a child calming down from a temper tantrum.

"Hey Wen, d'you want me to get Kevin?"

"No!" Wendy's voice shrieks from the left of me, "I don't want to talk to that bastard ever again!"

The person beside me chuckles.

"Too bad, he's on food duty today," in the darkness I see them turn their head to face me, "I think the new guy's awake, Wen."

"Don't tell him any spooky stories or anything, Josh," Wendy warns. "Hey new kid, how're you doing?"

It takes a lot not to snap at her. What kind of question is that? I'm tied to a wall in a creepy basement with no light.

"Umm... fine I guess. I've just got a bad headache," I gingerly touch the side of my head. "Shit, there's blood."

"Wendy can ask Kevin to look at it for you." Jokes Josh.

"Josh Myers, I will come over there and I will kill you!" Wendy snarls, pulling against her restraints.

Josh laughs, the sound echoing throughout the tiny room.
There's a groan from somewhere else in the room.

"Shut the fuck up! Some of us are trying to sleep!" Someone shouts.

"Yeah? Well some of us are trying to piss off Wendy." Josh retorts.

"Leave Wendy alone." I tell Josh, feeling sorry for her.

"Is that Butters?" A familiar voice asks.

"Kyle?" I almost yell in disbelief.

"The one and only," he sighs, "is anyone missing me?"

"Everyone thinks you're dead, dude! The comments are full of people who're mad about you being killed off."

"Damn," kyle chuckles, "well I'm alive. Sorta."

"How's your hand?" I ask, suddenly remembering his missing finger.

"My hand? It's perfectly fine. All ten fingers, look, I'm wiggling them." I can't see him in the darkness, but I'll take his word for it.

If it wasn't Kyle's finger that was sent to me, who did it belong to?
I try thinking, but my head is pounding, most likely from the hit from the frying pan or from when I hit the floor.

"Who else is here?" I ask anyone who's listening. "Sebastian, Xavier, Jax?"

"There's Wendy, Kyle, you, me, Sally Turner and two guys who won't talk. There were three but they took one of them upstairs," Josh tells me, whispering the word 'upstairs', "they're over there."

He points to the corner of the room where two figures lie on the floor. I can barely make them out, but it looks like Xavier and Sebastian. They're lying beside each other, one's arm over the other.

"Has one of them lost a finger?"

"You ask way too many questions, kid," Josh sighs, "but I have no idea what they did to him. That's none of our business, we're just meant to wait patiently for our turn."

"They? Our turn? You don't make any sense!" I want to shake him, slap him, somehow get hold of a knife and attack one of the idiots who're keeping me here. "Please just explain what's going on, I'm so confused."

Before anyone can answer me, the door creaks open and someone walks down the stairs.
I blink against the light let in through the open door, my eyes burning at its sudden brightness.

"Good evening my lovelies," Karen's voice says softly, "how is everyone doing?"

"Terrible!" Wendy whimpers.

"Fucking fantastic." Kyle mutters.

"Let me out!" I yell.

Karen walks down the remaining few stairs and towards me. I can see that she's holding a tray and my stomach growls loudly.
I didn't even realise how hungry I was until now.

"You're awake!" She gasps, placing the tray on the floor, "that was a long sleep. Have any nice dreams?"

I try to kick out at her, but she's too far away.
She simply laughs, picks up a sharp knife from the tray and hands it to me.

"Try this, sweetie."

I stare at the knife. The light reflects off it, the metal gleams and the handle is slightly warm.
I turn it in my hand and place the cool metal against my wrist, considering it.

"Oh, no. That's for me," Karen steps forward and crouches beside me, "it's funny when you try to kill me."

I remove the knife from my wrist and press it against her upper arm.
She waits patiently, her eyes sparkling and a creepy grin stretches onto her lips.

"You're too scared," she whispers, "how cute."

She grabs the knife off me and throws it behind her. It falls to the ground with a clatter somewhere.

"I was looking forward to that," she sighs, rolling up her sleeve and pointing to a long scar, "this scar is from my first catch. I can remember the pain, the look on his face.. it was beautiful."

She stands up and picks up the tray. I hope it's food.

"Does anyone need to go?" She asks. "I've got a pepsi bottle for you boys and a bowl for the ladies."

When nobody answers, she shrugs and walks back up the stairs.
She pauses at the top one and quickly says, "I wish I could let you go."

{Complete} The Strange Boy Next Door ~ Bunny fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now