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I wake up early the next morning, my burrito-like blankets under me and over kenny. The sun streams through the windows, casting long shadows across the room.
I listen to his breathing for a while, not wanting to wake him up.
I also think about last night. I hope he isn't mad that I asked him to stay with me.

My thoughts are interrupted by Kenny moving and groaning sleepily.

"Morning." He mumbles, rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning." I smile.

"You were yelling in your sleep last night. I think you were having a nightmare."

I shuffle in the bed until I'm under the blanket beside him then anxiously lace our fingers together. It's true, I was having a nightmare but I don't want to bother him with it.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asks, rubbing a thumb over my hand.

"It was just about some bullies from my old school. It's nothing."

"It didn't sound like nothing."

"They were awful. It was like torture. They'd beat the shit out of me and think it was funny." I pause. The memories are strong and talking about it is hard, "they killed my dog once. Threw rocks at him until he bled out and then laughed at me while my parents buried him in the yard."

"Oh god."

"Last night I was dreaming of them doing the same but I was the dog. It was the worst nightmare I've had in quite a while."

Kenny shuffles over and cups my cheek, pressing a soft kiss against my lips. My heart races and I try to act calm as he moves his hand from my cheek to my butt, pulling me closer to him.

"It's just a nightmare. You never have to see them again," he whispers, "and if you do, I'll beat the shit out of them. Teach those guys a lesson."

"Sounds like a plan." I smile.

We lie in the bed for a while, just appreciating each other's company until we hear people making noise downstairs. Talking, car doors slamming, trash bags crinkling.

"We should probably get going. Token doesn't know I'm here and he'll be pretty pissed if he finds out I stayed the night." Kenny groans tiredly.

We get out of bed and kenny starts finding his shirt that he took off at some point during the night.
I take a glance at the cuts and scars on his body. I wish I knew who did it so I could give them a piece of my mind!
Oh who am I kidding? I can't even say boo to a goose.

"Ready to go?" Kenny asks when we're both as freshened up as we can get.

I nod and he takes my hand. We leave Token's house, ignoring the people sleeping on kitchen countertops or sofas and those who are vomiting on the floor from drinking too much.
He leads me to a rusty red pickup truck with a blue door.

"You're carriage awaits, your highness." He jokes, bowing low whilst opening the door.

"Why thank you," I giggle as I get into the passenger's seat. "I didn't know you could drive."

"I'm not supposed to but my dad taught me," Kenny shrugs, slamming his door shut. "Just don't tell officer Barbrady." He adds with a wink.

As we drive home, a question pops into my head.

"Hey, Kenny?"


"Do you want to date me?" I ask, not meaning for it to sound like I'm asking him out.

"Yes, I do," he smiles, "I never thought you'd be the one to ask."

"Oh, I um," I accidentally almost blurt out that that wasn't what I meant, "nice."

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