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katsuki rolled his eyes as he walked back home from school. "all those bastards, wasting my time." he growled as he gripped onto his bag strap, dragging his feet as he reached his house.

katsuki threw himself on the couch, his hand
over his eyes. he stayed in that position for a few minutes before getting up to change.

his mom went to stay a few blocks down as katsuki often complained about privacy. he walked out of his room , wearing a hoodie with part of the sleeve cut off and black jeans.

katsuki opened the door and began to walk down the street. "i should get some milk.. some grocery too." he mumbled, making his way towards the supermarket.

on his way there, chattering was heard and he turned his head towards to commotion and curiosity was killing him so he went to check it out.

"hey kitty , strip for us."

"show us what you got there under that large shirt."

"i wanna leave marks on that milky skin of yours."

katsuki's face scrunched into disgust as he continued to walk closer. he grumbled and pushed those perverted boys out of the way. "whatever you are saying is fucked up , you perverts." katsuki rolled his eyes at them.

the blue haired one growled. "shut up, it's none of your business." and shoved katsuki. katsuki gripped the guy's arms and yanked it, leaving the boy in agony. the rest stared in horror and ran away. "so this is what weak people look like." katsuki spat as the boy got up and ran away.

"m-meow.. i-i mean t-thanks.."

katsuki looked down and he cocked an eyebrow.

green fluffy hair with green ears sticking out of it, big green glittering eyes, milky skin with scars and patches of dirt and a small petite body under a large t shirt.

"what the fuck?" katsuki took a look. "you are a neko?" he asked. the green haired beauty nodded. "what are you doing out here?" katsuki grumbled, sitting beside him. "w-well, i ran out of my previous household because.." the neko looked down at his lap.

"spit it." katsuki said. for once , he actually cared. just a little bit but still cared. "m-my owner abused me.." he said, playing with his fingers. katsuki gave a blank look.

"name." the green haired boy looked at him confused. "i-i don't have o-one." he whimpered. katuski rolled his eyes. then , the green haired boy was being lifted up bridal style.

he gasped. "w-what-" "i would be the worst person on earth if i left you here." a cold voice said. the neko stayed quiet and fell asleep in katsuki's arms.

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