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"this queen don't need a king~" deku sang as he walked through the hallways of the school with his green earpiece plucked in. "mmhmm~ oh i know what you've been told bout this boy right here gonna rule the world~" that melodious voice caught the attention of other students.

deku smiled and waved at the rest. "christmas is coming soon.." he said to himself as he skipped to his own class. he sat down and thought of what to give katsuki. "hmmm, a bag? a wallet?" he sighed.

"how bout a slutty santa claus?" deku jumped at the voice to see a perverted maehara (oooo crossover) standing there. "w-what? m-maehara!" deku said as he threw his notebook at him.

"what, it's a good try." maehara laughed as he sat on deku's table. "i can help." he whispered into deku's ear, making the green head blush a deep red. "n-no... that's perverted.."

maehara laughed and patted deku's head. of course, guess who was watching? tadahhh, katsuki. he was boiling with anger, his fist was clenched and his mouth was shut tight. he had a plan. to punish that one small kitten he had.


the school bell rang and katsuki sprang up and pulled deku back home. "k-kacchan! it hurts!" deku whimpered as he attempted to break free. katsuki unlocked the door and pinned him against the locked door.

"i was so angry, seeing maehara flirt with you. you were even giggling and blushing. what the hell, deku?" he growled and smashed his lips onto the shorter's. the kiss turned heated and when they pulled away, there was a string a sliver connecting their wet pink lips.

"i am sorry.." deku said as he brought katsuki into a more gentle kiss. katsuki soften up and brought his hand to deku's hip. "sorry.. i was only thinking of a gift for you and maehara said i should be a slutty santa claus for you.."

katsuki perked up. he smirked. deku shivered at that smirk katsuki had on his face. "i am going to shower." deku said as he walked up to the bedroom to shower. katsuki was left on the couch, thinking of deku in a cute little tight santa claus outfit.

after fifteen minutes, deku walked downstairs, wearing one of katuski's large hoodie. "k-kacchan.." he said as he walked towards katsuki. the blonde widened his eyes at the sight and groaned.

"i wanna cuddle." well, that was disappointing. katsuki growled but opened his arms to hug deku. deku smiled as he cuddled with katsuki. "there's something poking my thigh, what's that? your phone?" deku asked as his hand dived down the blanket to touch it. katsuki groaned when deku touched his little friend.

"it's nothing..." katsuki said in a raspy voice and asked deku to go to sleep. confused but sleepy, both of them cuddled to sleep

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