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"k-kacchan.. wake up.."

"kacchan?" katsuki woke up and found the green eyed boy looking at him, gripping onto his t shirt. "it's a nickname for you!" he smiled. katsuki unknowingly smirked at him but realised it and went back to a straight face. "what ever girly face."

deku smiled and lept out of the bed and walked towards the kitchen. "kacchan! pancakes!" he said, as he held a plate of stacked pancakes drizzled with katsuki's favourite chocolate sauce. katsuki let out a tiny smile and walked towards the kitchen, taking the plate from deku's hands and setting them down. he took a fork and cut off a piece of it.

he took a bite before saying," not too bad.". deku smiled and sat down beside katsuki, hands together and legs swinging from the tall chair. "i-i wanna go grocery shopping with
y-you too.." he said shyly. katsuki smirked.


both of them went out of the house and walked their way towards the supermarket. memories of deku being found on this particular road flashed back. it made him put his arm around deku, protectively eyeing the area. deku blushed but didn't say anything.

they reached the supermarket and katsuki grabbed a basket. deku ran towards the dairy section, eagerly looking at the bottles of flavoured milk. katsuki walked over and put a bottle of banana milk in the basket. deku smiled.

both of them finished grocery shopping in no time and was about to go home. "ah, crap. i need to buy dinner." katsuki said. "it's okay kacchan! i can go home first!" "no." "kacchan,'i will be fine!" deku reassured him. "alright. BUT IF ANYONE TOUCHES YOU, THEY ARE DEAD ALRIGHT." deku flinched but nodded with a small smile.

deku walked slowly back home, small hands gripping on the grocery bag and enjoying the scenery around him. he hummed a small tune before it was interrupted.

"oh look, it's cat boy."

that dreadful voice was heard from behind him. deku squeaked as the boy approached him. he shoved deku to the wall and pinned both his hands down. "so, where's your boyfriend? not here to save you?" he showed a smirk.

"d-don't touch m-me.." deku's small voice said. "a small boy with a girly body like yours won't be able to fight back." the boy said as his lips moved to deku's delicate neck, biting it and licking the bruise.

"k-kacchan.." deku whimpered. "who's ka-" the boy got knocked down by a figure behind him. deku looked. "t-todoroki?" he squeaked. "i couldn't just leave my friend's pet here to be raped." he replied, grabbing deku's hand and walking towards katsuki's house.

katsuki was waiting at the front door. "kacchan!" deku shouted and went to hug him. "the hell?" he looked up to see todoroki and looked down to see deku almost tearing up. "what's wrong?" he demanded an answer. "he almost got raped." todoroki blandly replied.

"this is EXACTLY WHY I DIDNT WANT YOU TO GO ALONE!" katsuki shouted and deku flinched. todoroki just walked away and deku shed some tears. katsuki pulled deku in.

he grabbed deku's arm and pulled him in for a hug. "i don't want to lose you. even thought we just met for three days but you are so vulnerable and so weak i want to protect you. i feel something." deku's arms slowly wrapped around katsuki's neck. "thank you." he smiled.


hohoho is this going to end? NOPE HAHAH

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