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katsuki opened the door and threw the green haired boy on the couch. he landed with a groan, his tail waving around.

the blond went to the kitchen to pour a glass of milk and walked out. he placed the glass of milk in front of the neko and looked at him. the neko stared at him. "stop staring at me. i ain't the one giving you nutrients. drink the milk."

the neko wrapped his small hands around the glass and brought it to his mouth. katsuki stared at him and thought. "no name huh?" he asked. the neko nodded.

katsuki thought again before saying. "you are deku." "d-deku?" the neko paused to look at katsuki. "your name is deku. it just came to my mind so deal with it." deku nodded and finished the glass of milk.

a gush of wind from the window swept through and deku began to shiver. katsuki let out a "tch" and grabbed his hoodie and threw it at deku. he was startled by the sudden throw and began to look confused again. "wear it."

deku gave a small thanks and wore the hoodie. katsuki turned on the tv and ordered take outs. he still had alot to know about deku. he sat next to deku on the couch and began asking questions.

"so, how did you end up in that master of yours house?"

deku tensed up and looked at his feet. "w-well, i was a neko from young and when my mom grew older, she was really really sick and she needed the money to go to the doctor. so i had to go looking for a job. being a neko isn't that simple, people would think it's a risk hiring us. and one day, this guy approached me while i was at a cafe. he was the boss there and he said his son needed a helper around the house so i said okay. so i went and it was a big mistake. yes, the pay was decent but i go home everyday with bruises and scars. so i could not take it and ran out. i sent my mother the money and she went to live with grandma. so i have no where to go."

"who says? you are staying with me now." katsuki replied, eyes glued onto the tv. deku blushed and mumbled a thank you. the door bell rang , signaling the food's arrival.

they sat down and watched a movie together and the day ended with deku's head on katsuki's chest, both of them fast asleep.

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