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"deku! the flour!"

flour flew everywhere, covering every surface it could reach. including both deku and katsuki. "oops." deku giggled and took a napkin to wipe off the bit of flour off katsuki's face.

katsuki growled but showed a small smile. "you are lucky you are cute, if not i would have killed you." he said, hands travelling to deku's cheek, caressing it.

deku's big green eyes stared up at his, smiling. "let's continue baking the cake!" he said, walking off with the cake pan. katsuki slightly pouted. "i wanted a kiss..." he whispered.

deku hummed as he took the cake pan and placed it in the oven. "i bet it's going to taste great!" "and why is that?" "b-because.. it has kacchan's love in it.." deku blushed while saying it. katsuki smirked. "oh yah?"

deku nodded and looked away. "the decorations!" he said and walked away quickly, leaving katsuki to chuckled. "hold on." his hand gripped onto deku's wrist. he pulled him closer into a hug. "you are not going anywhere." he whispered.

deku shivered but wrapped his arms around katsuki's neck. "cuddle with me." "the cake!" katsuki walked over to turn off the oven, and carried deku bridal style to go up to the bedroom.

he plopped deku on the bed and climbed right in. katsuki wrapped one of his arms around deku's neck and deku wrapped his arms around katsuki's waist. he planted a kiss on top of deku's forehead. "i want to stay like this forever." deku said. katsuki just smiled, turning on the television in front of them.

"horror?" deku shook his head. "let's watch frozen!!" he said, pointing at the movie poster on the screen. "nah, we going with horror." katsuki said as he clicked on annabelle. deku lowered himself into the blanket and his arm were wrapped more tightly this time around.

as the scary part came, deku screamed and buried his face into katsuki's chest. katsuki just laughed and continued watching the movie. "scardy cat." "i am a cat." deku said, pouting. katsuki just touched his cheeks.

seeing deku pout made his cheek a tint pink. it made his day. somehow. "i want to go to school too, kacchan.." deku said, his fingers pointing together. katsuki looked at him. "let me think about it." "thanks kacchan!" he said, kissing his cheek.

katsuki laid there, stunned. deku just kissed him. deku buried his red face into his hands and looked at katsuki. but katsuki just looked at deku and returned him with a kiss on the cheek as well.

deku laid in katsuki's arms till they fell asleep

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