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"he's so annoying. what does katsuki like in him even?" ram grumbled as she took another bite of her steak. "i don't know but they look like they are together." nana pointed out. "no one is taking katsuki away from me!" ram stood up and walked back.

"why are we friends with such a bitch.." kyoko slumped down in her seat. "i want to be friends with uraraka, tsuyu, yaomomo and the rest of their group. not with some salty ass bitch." nana sighed. "she will change one day."

both of them finished their lunch and went back to the classroom. ram was already there, flirting with kirishima. "uh, i am not interested.." kirishima said, looking at his magazine. "come on... i know you really want me."

"hey yo kirishima." kaminari came along. "could you tell ram to go away please, it's bothering me." kirishima rolled his eyes but ram just stayed there, pestering him. "um, i think you should go." kaminari said. "whatever denki."

kaminari sighed. "oh my gosh just go away already!" kaminari exploded. "it's super irritating!" everyone turned around in shock. "u-uh sorry." he said as he walked away. "not sorry." he whispered.

"oh, deku. i have after school duties today. is it fine if you just go home yourself ?" katuski said, eyes not leaving his phone. "u-uh yah sure!" deku beamed as he straightened his tie.

kaminari facepalmed himself as he walked to the water cooler. "i hate that deku!" that same annoying voice repeated. "today, i am going to strike!" kaminari's mouth was left open. he slowly looked and it was obviously ram. he dashed back to the classroom and sat down in panic.

"i want to walk deku home but i have after
school training! shit!" he mumbled. he looked to his left. kirishima! "yo, bro. i need you to walk deku home today." kirishima looked at kaminari with a questionable look. "why?" kaminari sighed and explained the entire thing to kirishima.

"i am on it."


the school bell finally rang and katuski was feeling paranoid but went to help the teacher with some books, who knew he was this helpful. "deku-kun! let me walk you home!" kirishima said as he grabbed his bag.

"you don't have to!" deku smiled. "aw, come on." kirishima smiled as he walked with deku. they had nice chats along the way about deku's friends and kirishima's favourite hero.

they eventually heard footsteps behind them. "uh, kirishima, i feel like there's someone following us." deku said, with an uncomfortable feeling inside of him. "hm." kirishima hummed in response. soon, they stopped and turned behind. both their eyes widened. 2 big sized men stood in front of them.

"hand over deku." one said, cracking his knuckles. "that's some ken kaneki shit you got there." kirishima laughed. he growled and lounged at him. kirishima dodged and gave him one harsh punch, throwing the man to the floor. "hm." kirishima then stepped on the man's back, causing him to whine out in pain. "i am sorry." he said as he stepped on the man's hand. "not."

kirishima ran towards the other and kicked him in the stomach. he slapped the man and punched his nose. "woah.." deku said, standing at the side. "leave deku alone." he spat. kirishima grabbed his bag and walked off with deku.

"let's go."

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