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katsuki woke up, feeling a heavy weight on his chest. he looked down to see a sleeping deku. "what the fuck." he said, wanting to push his head off but he stopped. katsuki huffed. "WAKE UP BAKA." deku sprang up and hit the couch's arm rest.

"that hurts.." he whimpered, rubbing his head. katsuki rolled his eyes and went to prepare breakfast. "shut up green hair. my friends are coming over so you better behave yourself." he growled as he cooked up breakfast. deku flinched at the tone he used. he just had to get used to it.

"eat." katsuki said from the table. deku picked himself up and walked to the table, joining katsuki. they ate in silence. deku didn't dare to speak up as he was afraid of being chided or even his big green eyes meeting with those fury filled red eyes. he gulped and shyly pushed his empty plate up front. "f-finished."

katsuki rolled his eyes as stacked the plates and brought them to the sink. the door bell than rang. "KATUSKIIIII, I BROUGHT SNACKS."a girly voice cooed. katsuki grumbled before slamming open the door. uraraka smiled at him and saw the neko. "OH MY GLOB THATS SO CUTE!!" she dropped the bag of snacks on the couch and went to pinch both of deku's cheeks.

to uraraka, he was a fluffy neko and to deku, she was a weirdly hyper brown haired girl. katsuki growled and uraraka heard it, dropping all the cheek pinching but still smiling.

a girl wearing all green came it, then a guy with two eye colours, a guy with weird hair , a girl whose hair looked like a bird and a guy wearing well specs.

"guys!! come in!! meet katsuki's new pet!! he's so cute!!" uraraka literally shouted. "that's a cute neko." momo said, petting deku's head. "KATSUKI BRO I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE INTO CUTE THINGS!?" kirishima shouted and katsuki gave him a cold glare. "hm, he is a neko." iida said, smiling. "that's one cute neko." tsuyu said. the only one who said nothing was todoroki. deku found him fascinating. like the two eyes and his hair colour.

all day long, everyone was just watching movies with kirishima singing every single song in the movie together with uraraka while momo and tsuyu prepared snacks for everyone and tried to think of cute clothes momo could make for deku, katsuki and iida were just sitting at the side. katsuki had his arms wrapped around deku's shoulder, pulling him closer. it's weird that he was feeling close to a stranger he just met. deku also felt a weird feeling in his stomach. and todoroki was just being todoroki.

everyone went home, tired and deku, went to katsuki's room to sleep as he has no room yet. "i should clear out the room for that cat guy to sleep." he said, eyeing the room next to his as he went in to sleep.


thanks for reading my book and the sweet comments just made my day 💗. i know this book is not a lot but having a few readers is fine. this is for fun :) enjoyy

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