It's Only the Beginning

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Kylies POV

The new Insidious 2 was the scariest movie I have ever seen in my life! I swear I pissed my pants at least ten times during the movie. I probably wouldn't even be able to sleep tonight at all, I haven't blinked in about three minutes, my eyes were wide open as I walked out of the theatre and started walking the whole two miles to my house. The worse part about going to a horror movie is going to a horror movie by yourself, no friends or anything. Creepy.

Since the movie was freaky and got you on-edge I seriously screamed when I heard footsteps stomping from behind me. I turned around to see two huge guys walking up to me, their faces were shadowed so I couldn't see their faces completely but one of them had a long scar down the right side of their face, reaching all the way from his right temple to his jaw line.

"Well looky here Tim, we gotta skidish one tonight," The one with the scar mumbled out laughing in a freaky way.

"Lets just get this over with," Holy shit, were they going to kill me or something?! Oh my god no they're going to rape me, then stuff me in a dumpster and I'll be showing up on the next NCIS or something. I couldn't die this way I was only 17 for crying out loud!

"Nah I think we should play with her first, make some fun outta this," Finally, regaining feeling back in my legs I turned and tried to make a run for it, but I guess I was too slow. The bigger guy with the scar, tackled me to the ground and smashed my face into the sidewalk. Where were all the people when you needed them, I looked up and saw that there was absolutely no one, NO ONE by us at all! The cut in my face, due to being smashed in the sidewalk, started stinging as the guy lifted me up to my feet and pulled me toward him.

This was so gross, he was like 50! Oh my god... I just had to go to the movies tonight, alone didn't I?! I was so stupid, I said I could take care of myself, bullshit! Look where that got me!

"Say goodnight sweetheart," The guy growled in my face, his breath smelt horrible! I closed my eyes shut as tight as I could and wish they could just kill me first and then do whatever the hell they wanted with me, just kill me first!!

Suddenly I was dropped to the ground, rather hard might I add, and I heard a bunch of curse words and the sound of punching. Were the guys fighting over who would get to 'play' with me first or something? What pigs, stupid idiots can't even have the respect to-

I was grabbed by my arm and roughly pulled up to my feet once again. That's it, I've had enough! Without opening my eyes a bit, I started flinging my arms around, hoping to hit whoever was holding me.

"Shit woman!" Someone yelled. It wasn't either of the guys that had been there before. I knew that voice, a little, maybe I was just out of it. I could literally feel the blood oozing out of the cut on the side of my face.

Swallowing my fear I slowly cracked open my eyes and saw someone I swear I would never be happy to see in my life, but for right now I was extremely happy to see him.

"Jake?" I asked in disbelief. Jake. Jake Beck. One of the most popular guys in school, captain of the football team, and the biggest player out there. I hated this kid but for right now I loved him. He had saved my life. Looking behind him I saw the two guys rolling around holding their sides of private parts and groaning in pain.

"Did you do that?" I asked, maybe he had just hurt them to get me to himself. No way, I was one of the ugliest girls in school, glasses and all. Thank god I got my braces off before highschool but still, I had the glasses.

"No shit dumbass you think I would let these two scumbags rape you or something?!" He yelled at me, tightening his grip on my arm. I ripped my arm away from his hand and crossed my arms.

"Ya, I would expect you of all people to leave me here, your an asshole at school so why not out of school?!" I yelles right back at him, getting up to my tip toes to try to reach his height of 6'4" with my small height of 5'6".

"Im not a sick bastard alright? How many times has this happened to you? You were surprisingly calm and stupid!"

"...Well...about three times and I'm not stupid!"

"Three times? You were standing there like an idiot ready for them to do their thing to you instead of fight back. At least smart people would fight back or something!"

"Why do you think I hit you jerk!" I yelled turning around and starting to walk towards my house again, ready to put this whole thing behind me.

"Wait! Your bleeding!" He yelled grabbing my arm again.

"Oh and you would care right?!" I screamed up at him once again and tearing my arm out of his grip.

"Its a pretty big cut, I have a first-aid kit in my car, come on I'll help-"

"There is no way in hell I'm getting in your STD car!"

"Its not an STD car and why the hell not?"

I groaned and rubbed my temples, getting some blood on my hands.

"Alright I'll make you a deal. If you can answer this question, I'll ride with you," I said smirkimg up at Jake, I knew he wouldn't get this one right, he barely knew anyone's names except for the sluts and even then he gets them wrong, like they care anyway!

"Uh...its uh...Ky-k... it starts with a K!"

"Ya that's what I thought. See ya," I yelled turning around.

"Kylie Meagans, am I right? The girl in my Biology and English class? The girl that got pushed into a locker last year by the cheer leading squad?" I turned around to face him, shock clearly shown on my face because he was smirking his jerkish smirk that he always smirked. I hate that smirk.

"Fine, but that's it, your taking me home, not touching me and we'll never talk again, got it?!" He just smirked and turned to walk toward his car. I huffed and stomped after him, I can't believe this, I had been pulled by the nose. How did he even know all that stuff about me?

Oh well, for right now I would go home, make an excuse for my f-ed up face to my mom and my sister and on Monday everything would go back to normal, right?



how was it? comment below! I deleted my other story, wasn't so good. anyway thanks guys ♥

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