Chapter 25: The Birds and the Bees

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Jake's POV:

The next day at school everyone moved out of my ways in the hallway, like I was going to lash out and try to kill them or something. So far I hadn't seen Drey and if I did see his ugly face I was scared I was going to jump him again, he had left a couple of bruises and he got some good hits I'll give him that much but that kid turned out way worse than I had. Kylie was next to me, holding onto my hand tightly, nearly cutting off the circulation.

“I want to go home, I feel like everyone knows," Kylie whispered as we kept walking towards my locker.

“Babe chill, no one knows and they won't know for a while, ok?" I reassured her with a soft kiss before I started opening my locker.

“Um, excuse me?" a tiny voice came from behind Kylie, we both turned to see who it was and there was a short girl, but she was taller than Kylie, with her long black hair pulled back in a tight and way too perfect ponytail and her glasses sat perfectly on the bridge of her nose. Who was she? I don't remember seeing her.

“Oh hey Smidge," Kylie said giving her a kind smile. The girl seemed to relax a little bit when Kylie smiled at her.

What kind of a name was Smidge?!

“I was just wondering if I could get your help with something?" Smidge whispered purposely not making eye contact with me.

“Yes of course!" Kylie said looking up at me for some kind of sign that it was ok for her to go. I just smiled down at her and kissed her on the cheek before she walked off with this... Smidge character?

I turned back to my locker and had just finished pulling my last book out when my locker was slammed shut rather violently. Expecting it to be Drey I turned around and was getting ready to punch the sucker but I stopped short when I saw that it was just Annie, Kelly and Taylor standing with their hands on their hips, looking more bitchy than usual.

“What?" I muttered not wanting to bother with these girls at the moment.

“We need to talk to you," Annie said but I just shrugged like it was no big deal. “Now!"

They grabbed my arms and pulled me into the nearest classroom which was oddly enough empty. Taylor closed the door and locked it before turning back and sitting on top of the nearest desk.

“Alright talk then, let's get this over with," I said crossing my arms.

“We want you to break up with Kylie," As soon as Annie said that I burst out in a fit of laughter. What the hell?

“Yeah right away Annie, whatever you say," I said rolling my eyes and starting to stand up. Kelly stepped forward now.

“No, we're serious. I'm Kylie's best friend and she's just... she's changed and not in a good way. You're bad news for her and no offense but ever since you two started this whole...thing or whatever you to have, its made her more cocky?" Kelly said looking worried. did she ever think before speaking?

“Okay everything you just said isn't bad at all! Kylie isn't cocky, she's just gotten more confidence and obviously you feel threatened by that or you wouldn't mind it. As for her changing, she's figuring out who she really is, its high school people change. Get over it," Yea I was being rude but these girls needed to stop being bitches and accept the fact that I wasn't the man whore I used to be.

“Jake! I thought we had something though!" Taylor cried out, tears literally in her eyes. “I thought we were going somewhere and then you suddenly drop me for HER?! Do you know how humiliating that is for me?!"

Taylor started sobbing and Annie and Kelly rushed to her side to comfort her as she cried into her hands. This just reached a whole new level of pathetic...

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