Chapter 2: SWAK

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Jake's POV

I watched as the short, stubborn little girl stomped off down the hall, her hips swaying back and forth and her dark brown hair bouncing with every step. This one was going to be hard, but I knew I could get her, it would just take some time.

The bell rang before I could catch up to Kylie, so I ended up giving up on the chase and started  heading to class. That is until I realized I still had her book . . . haha I still had her book! This is just what I needed, maybe I could black mail her into letting me be her bodyguard, make her agree to it or she won't get her book back! No. I want her to like me not hate me forever.

But I could still use this for something, she seemed like a straight A student, honor roll and that acedemic shit I didn't care about. She would need her book so I should take it to her . . . in a little bit that is.

“Hey Jake," A very seductive voice purred as a pair of slim arms wrapped around my waist. It was Kelly, I could tell by her smell, or maybe it was Kailey, they both confused me a lot, actually all girls confused me, I could never remember their names, all their fake faces and body seemed to mix together, doesn't mean I didn't like it though.

“Hey," I made sure never to say a name when I was talking to a girl, I guess they don't like it very much when you forget their names? Who would've known!

“Why don't we ditch class and go have some fun somewhere else?" She asked sticking out her lower lip which made her look kind of stupid, but sexy at the same time? Was that even possible?

“I would, but I have to return this book to a very lucky girl," I said bending down and kissing her quickly before leaving her in the middle of the hallway and heading to Kylie's English class. Wasn't I in that class too? Aw who cares I skip all my classes anyway.

I opened the door fast, making sure to catch everyone's eyes as I looked for Kylie. I heard a whole bunch of girls squeal as I made eye contact with them, how pathetic. Finally iu found the little brown hair four eyed nerd, sitting in the very back with another nerd guy hitting on her. I don't know why or how but something flarred inside me and for some reason I wanted to kick that kid's ass for even talking to Kylie, but it couldn't be jealousy, I am never jealous, its not possible. its probably just because he's a nerd.

“Mr. Beck, why are you late?" The teacher, who's name I forget, asked glaring at me.

“Im here to get Kyle, she needs to go to the office for something," I lied like the expert liar I really was.The teacher totally fell for it too, and soon Kylie and I were walking down the hall towards the office.

“What do you want?" Kylie finally asked running a small hand through her thin brown hair, sweeping her bangs back just to have them fall in her face once again.

“I want to talk about our deal,"

“There is no deal Jake," Surprisingly she was acting pretty calm, compared to earlier that is.

“There could be one, look I just need you to listen to me for a few minutes," Suddenly Kylie turned around and headed back to her class. I looked around trying to find a way to keep her with me and make her talk to me, but I couldnt find anything, there was only the supply closet. The supply closet!

I reached out and grabbed Kylie's arm, pulling her into the closet and closing and locking the door before she could scream. Then she was smacking me in the arm and chest.

“You son of a bitch! How dare you do this to me! I can't believe you would-" I slapped my hand over her mouth and kept it there until she stopped yelling against it.

“Listen to me, I want to be your bodyguard, I want to protect you! Why can't you just let me fricken protect you?!" I whisper yelled at her removing my hand halfway through. She glared up at me, or at least I think she was glaring, with the lack of light I could barely make out her face in here.

“Why? We have never even talked before Saturday and suddenly you want to protect me?! Where did this suddenly come from?" She asked crossing her arms, making her arms rest against my stomach, she was short, I like short girls.

“That was before I saw your body," I said truthfully smiling down at her.

“So you just want to use me for my body?!" She yelled at me.

“It sounds worse when you say it like that," I mumbled. She rolled her eyes, I think.


“Look, I can tell already that your not very experienced with guys, I can help you with that while protecting you from cheerleaders and creepy guys alright?"

“B-but how do you know I'm not experienced?!" She yelled up at me. I put my hands on her hips and moved her closer to me, causing our bodies to smash against each other.

“Your nervous right now, right?"

“T-that's just because... no! I'm not!" She tried to deny it but her breath was really ragged already.

“Are you sure?" I asked stroking her cheek and pushing her hair behind her ear. She gasped slightly but kept a straight face. Damn she was hard to crack.

“Alright, let's say I actually agree to this ridiculous deal, what would happen?" She suddenly asked pushing away from me.

“I would protect you from cheerleaders, the jerks around school and creepers like the two that tried to rape you on Saturday night!" Just remembering Saturday night made my blood boil, for some reason I felt the need to protect this girl no matter what, since when did I care about girls? I never have respected girls or cared if they ever got hurt or anything, so where the hell did this come from?!

“Alright so I'll agree to this, on one condition," She said smirking slightly, that smirk somehow scared me. What was this little devil planning?

“And what's that?"

“You stay out of my personal life, and this whole thing is for pleasure only, nothing serious, I don't want a relationship with a player,"

“A done deal, I don't want a relationship with a hated nerd," Her words hurt but I know it was true, no one really wanted a relationship with me, it was expected of me.

“Touche," She said glaring up at me.

“Seal the deal," I said when she tried to get out of the closet.

“What?" She looked so stupid, she had no clue what was going on.

“Seal the deal, you seal the deal with a kiss," I explained in a tone that said “your a freaking retard!"

“I never agreed to that!" She yelled at me.

“Ya you did, pleasure only remember? I get pleasure from kissing girls, I just hope your a good kisser," I said winking down at her and puckering my lips.

“One kiss, and that's it for a while," She whispered looking down. How cute, she was embarrassed about kissing me.

“Well hurry up, I'm not getting any younger her-" She grabbed the back of my neck and slammed her lips against mine, not too hard but not soft either. Her lips were so soft and warm, I could kiss her forever, if she would let me.

She moved a little closer to me, making our bodies barely touch, and took complete control over the kiss, I couldn't move, usually I was in total control but right now I could barely think, she made my mind turn to mush and my whole body feel tingly.

Then suddenly she was gone, her warm lips and body were suddenly off mine and the door to the closet slammed shut, leaving me by myself in the dark closet. What a little witch. I don't understand how she could make me feel like that, no girl had ever made me feel like that before. What was so special about a short little hated nerdy girl?

My lips were still tingling halfway through the day and every time I thought about the kiss I couldnt help but smile. MAN! Get ahold of yourself, I'm starting to sound like a little girl in love or something, which will never happen with Kylie, she was like a friend with benefits . . . more like an enemy with benefits actually.

I would get back at her for that kiss, she would never see it coming but its going to happen and soon too . . .


Sorry for the long wait, school and all that. Promise I'll update sooner <3

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