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‼trigger warning‼

She stared down at the ocean, watching as the body of water smashed itself against the cliff side. The jutting rocks were blades in the frothing water, the frothy foam the patterns in the hilt. They called to her dearly, each new wave an echo from beyond.

She smiled.

Wait for me, she thought fondly, stepping closer to the cliff's edge. I'm coming.

The cold air embraced her as she tumbled off the cliff, plunging through the slight mist.

She hit the icy cold water with a splash and allowed the strong tide to sweep her out into the dangerous depths of the ocean. Rough waves forcefully pushed her beneath the weak sun on the surface, allowing her the find peace in the cold, dark water.

She smiled into the endless velvety liquid, enjoying how it tickled the inside of her lungs.

Come to us, the voices in the waves called again.

I'm coming, I'm coming, she laughed softly, swimming down and deeper into the water.

A murky green figure swam up to meet her, reaching out to help her down. The figure smiled softly, gaze warm as she reached for the girl.

Suddenly a deafening roar filled her ears, causing her to jerk back from the figure and cover her ears.

The figure pulled a face and dissolved back into the water.

The girl's muddled thoughts cleared as soon as the figure was gone, eyes darting around in confusion. Trying to make sense of where she was, she swam up to the surface where the bright light momentarily blinded her.

She grunted when she saw the massive hulk of a ship a few yards away.

Is this my ship to death? she wondered, remembering ber intentions and ignoring sting she felt across her bruised body.

A figure dove from the massive dragon-shaped ship.

He swam towards her and she couldn't help but to paddle away from him.

"Are you alright?" he asked, managing to grab her wrist.

She stared at the space of contact. It felt warm despite their cold surroundings. "I'm not dead?" she asked, astonished.

He shook his head, pulling her towards the ship.

She stood on wobbly legs as they where lifted into the ship with a sort of platform, hand gripping a rope.

"What is your name?" the man asked, holding a towel in her direction.

She ignored the object, turning in a circle as she gaped around her. She stood on a ship, that much she understood, but the array of creatures surrounding her pulled her thoughts into a frenzied daze. What she assumed to be the crew of the ship consisted of an array of humans Fauns, Satyrs and a Minotaur.

She took a more to moment to register what she was seeing before turning to look at the man.

"Robin," she finally managed, hair and clothes dripping onto the deck

"Well, Robin," he grinned, "Welcome to Narnia."

~ VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER ~Where stories live. Discover now