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"Don't worry!" Caspian shouted as the dragon dropped him onto the ship. "Robin seems to have gotten herself in a bit of a bad situation."

Managing to balance on the mast, the dragon snarled at him, baring her teeth.

Lucy stared. "What in the Lion's mane?" she asked incredulously. "How did this happen?"

Reepicheep pointed to the sword that was stabbed beneath her left wing.

"Does that have something to do with the enchantment?" he asked, nose twitching.

Robin grunted. Yes.

Caspian gingerly stepped closer to her. "May I?" he asked.

She considered him for a moment, then looked towards the island, wobbling slightly on her precarious potition.

Caspian nodded. "Let's load two boats," he said. "We need solid ground beneath our feet."

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The blade scratched at her skin as she flew, dragging the two boats towards the mass of land.

She tried to be carefull, but the few people going ashore were nevous all the same.

Robin landed softly on the sand, raking her claws across her glittery copper scalesin irritation.

After setting up a small camp, Caspian turned to her. Lucy, Edmund and Reepicheep were already asleep, clearly exausted.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you," he whispered. "It is not my intention."

Robin lowered her head to rest it on her paws and closed her eyes, lifting her wing.

Caspian gripped the hilt of the blade and gently pulled it out. He stared at it.

"One of the seven?"

Robin nodded and lifted her head, sniffing at the blood dribbling from the gap in her flesh.

Caspian admired the sword for a moment more, then pulled a cloth and ointment from a bag at his feet.

"Did it hurt?" he asked, dabbing the ointment onto the fresh wound.

She shook her head and dropped her chin onto her paws, slowly drifting off to sleep.

He nodded and eyed the scars he noticed covering her back and shoulders and legs, a pained expression flashing across his eyes.

"I'm sorry for what yout father did to you," he whispered. "You did nothing to deserve it."

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