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Robin shook her head, pulling the dagger from her belt.

"You're lying," she snapped. "My mother is dead."

"Oh you poor thing," the figure continued, circling her as if to admire. "What did that awful man do to you?" She had a pained expression. "I'm so sorry, my dear."

Robin felt a soft tugging in her chest and stepped closer to the figure.

She eyed the woman carefully. "Mother?" she suddenly recognized her eyes and build in the figure's form.

"Yes, child," she said with a soft smile.

A single tear trickled down Robin's cheek.

"He hurt me so much, mother," she whimpered. "But Caspian and the crew... Am I really dead?"

"Alas." Her mother gave her a sad smile. "You like him, don't you?" she said. "The king, I mean."

Robin's eyes reflected her answer.

"Oh, my dear child," the woman sighed, opening her arms.

Without thinking, Robin moved to her mother, aching to find herself in a loving embrace, when she suddenly fell.

She shrieked in fear when she found herself dangling from the cliff.

She cursed her stupidity when she looked down and locked eyes with the figure.

"Don't fear, child," she said kindly, "Let go and you can live with me in my crystal ice palace."

"Duck off!" Robin shouted, kicking at the figure. "I want to live!"

Two hands wrapped around her forearms, hoisting her back onto the platform.

She looked up and stared at Caspian, the figure's words swarming through her mind.

She stepped away from him, hesitant.

"I'm not dead?" she asked.

He shook his head.

Her brow creased slightly as she stepped towards him, lifting a tentative hand.

He stood stone still as she gently touched the side of his face. "Who was that?" she asked.

"The White Witch, Jadis. She was slain years ago, but it would seem her spirit lingers. I should have known she'd try to stop our quest."

"She said she was my mother," she said, dropping her hand and taking a step back.

She hugged him unexpectedly, muttered a soft thank you into his shirt and dashed down the stairs back to the camp, trying to contain the tears of false hope.

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