~ 22 ~

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A/N: Almost at 2K readers!💚💙💛Thanks for reading!! I guess Robin and Caspian are courting now...

Robin walked through the palace. It has been two years since the Voyage of the Dawn Treader and she was still living with Caspian at the palace.

She smiled when a soft breeze tickled her skin, stopping to look out of the window.

Rolling green fields lined with glittering shorelines greeted her gaze, drawing her attention to an animal walking slowly dosn the beach.

She gaped, setting of at a run through the palace hallways.

"Please tell Caspian I'm at the beach," she told a stable hand, leaping onto her brown horse.

The boy barely had time to nod before she shot out of the palace grounds, her mare's hooves pounding the ground with rythmic thuds.

The horse slowed when they reached the being on the beach and Robin slid off her back with a small sigh.

"Aslan," she breathed.

The Lion chuckled. "Hello, my child," he said soflty. "You look well."

She laughed and hugged him. "You've grown!" she gaped, looking up at him. "I can barely see the top of your head."

Aslan smiled softly. "Every time you grow, so do I."

She frowned slightly. "But I'm already full grown."

He chuckled and lay down in the sand, rolling around on his back before standing and shaking out his mane. Sand cascaded down like a small avalanche.

"Physically, yes," he nodded. "But you still grow with every breath you take."

Robin smiled softly.

The Lion's gaze shifted to something behind her. Following his gaze she smiled when Caspian jigged towards them.

The king smiled at them.

"You came," he said happily, bowing to the Lion.

"It was not an offer I could resist, Caspian," Aslan chuckled. "If you'll excuse me I believe you have important matters to discuss."

Robin frowned slightly, eyeing the way Caspian blushed.

"Y-Yes," he stammered. He cleared his throat, the reddness reaching his ears. "We do have matters to discuss."

Robin kept her frown as she and Caspian walked down the beach away from aslan.

"So..." she said after a long and akward silence. "We needed to talk?"

He nodded. "We do."

He fiddled with something in his pocket, not meeting her gaze. Finally he sighed and pulled her into a hug.

"I've never been good at these types of talks," he admitted. "I can never quite find the words to express myself."

Robin was returning the gesture when he suddenly slipped from her embrace and landed on his knee.

At first, Robin thought something had happened, but then she noticed the small, velvety blue box in his hands. Caspian's eyes were closed, to he didn't see her eyes grow.

He mumbled something.

"I'm sorry?" Robin asked, a smile growing on her lips.

He repeated it, but she still didn't hear.

Grinning, she knelt next to him. "I still can't hear you," she stated.

Caspian sighed and opened his eyes, meeting her gaze. "We've been courting for two years and my love for you has only grown in this time. Will you marry me?" he asked softly.

Robin laughed and hugged him, causing both of them to topple into the sand. He also laughed.

"Can I take that as a yes?" he asked into her hair.

Robin pulled back for a moment, considering. "I think you can," she said with a smile.

~ VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER ~Where stories live. Discover now