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Lucy stepped onto the ship, two bags slung over her shoulders.

"Did you get what you needed?" Caspian asked as she approached the cabin.

She nodded. "Has she woken up yet?"

He shrugged and continued pacing again. He glanced at the first of the seven swords where Edmund was taking great care in carving the pieces of coral away to teveal the shining steel beneath.

"Calm down," Lucy said. "I'll check on her."

When she stepped into the room, she found Robin sitting on the ground at the foor of her bed.

Lucy shifted uncomfortably.

"I bought new clothes," she said, putting one bag in front of Robin.

"I hope they fit."

Robin looked up at the girl, her one eye circled with a deep blue and lip with a small cut. "It's not the first time that this has happened," she whispered, standing to open the bag.

A small smile flittered across her torn lip.

"Thank you, Lucy," she said, admiring the black boots.

"I don't know about you," Lucy said with a smile, "But I'm in the mood for a new outfit."

Robin rolled her eyes, but pulled the clean flannel shirt and black pants from the bag nontheless.

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When Lucy emerged with Robin from the cabin a while later, the crew was already mostly asleep.

Caspian was at the wheel.

Robin tensed at the sight of him, mind flashing to the blurry events of the morning before.

"I'll be with Edmund," Lucy whispered, giving her hand a soft squeeze.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, Robin nodded and moved up the stairs.

"Step down," she said softly.

Caspian frowned. "You're sure?" He backed away when she insisted.

Robin carefully took hold of the wheel, almost as if she was afraid it would attack her, but her grip steadied and she managed to keep the ship on course.

Caspian stood beside her, leaning on the railing looking over the deck.

"I suppose I owe you a thanks," Robin said.

He looked at her. "No need. It was the humane thing to do."

"Yet your curiosity about my story is clearly visible."

He looked away, guilty.

"You had better get comfortable, my king," she sighed. "It is a short story, but not easily told."

~ VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER ~Where stories live. Discover now