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The blade dug itself into her ribcage, nearly causing her to hit the water.

The burning across her body intensified as she fled from the cavern towards an island, crashing into the sand.

The waves lapped at the shore as she scratched at herself, raking the claws across her body so as to remove the blade and the burning skin.

Failing, she collapsed on the itchy sand particles, oblivious to the lion padding across the water and onto the beach next to her.

He purred softly and scratched the sand at his feet.

Relief flooded through Robin.

Aslan raked his claws through the sand, causing her to lurch upwards and the dragon form starting to crumble.

A few scratches later, she found herself standing on the star's island, the last of the missing swords in her hand.

She glanced behind her and ran, feeling  the mist chasing her towards Aslan's Table. She lashed at the hazy figures, remembering briefly how she fought Reepicheep and Caspian.

When she managed to connect the final sword with the other six, the shock of light emmitting from the assembled blades threw her back.

She shielded her eyes, blinded from the blaze and shied backwards.

Just as suddenly as the laight had come, it vanished and she found herself on the sand island again.

She stared at the lion on front of her and instantly bowed, collapsing in the warm sand.

"Rise, child," he said softly, voice sending shivers down her body.

She stood hesitantly and avoided his eyes, intimidated by his powerful golden gaze.

He stepped towards her and breathed a long breath onto her face.

"You doubt your value," he whispered. "Don'r run from who you are."

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The water cradled her as she swam towards the ship, enjoying the way the water tickled her skin.

"Lucy!" she called, spotting the girl near the edge of the ship.

Lucy froze and glanced down, then she squealed with happiness and ran to the side of the ship.

"I knew you weren't dead!"

~ VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER ~Where stories live. Discover now