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He carefully lifted her shaking body, taking her back to the cabin.

"She tried to follow the mist," he said.

Lucy, still awake, nodded. She watched as he l carefully placed Robin on the second bed. "Take care of her, please."

She nodded again and gave him a small, worried smile as he left the room.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Land ho!" the captain shouted the following morning.

Caspian breathed a sigh of relief. As much as he loved the wild, untameable ocean, he needed the land firmly beneath his feet for a while.

Edmund, however frowned. "Does anyone live on this island?" he asked quizically.

"It seems deserted," Lucy agreed, emerging from the cabin she shared with Robin.

"Let's investigate," Reepicheep grinned. "I'm itching for a fight."

Caspian laughed. "We must best avoid it if we can, friend," he said.

They loaded two rowing boats when he saw Robin watching them.

"I'm coming with," she said, walking towards Caspian. "If I may, that is."

He opened his mouth to retort, then closed it again. He nodded.

A few minutes later, they were in the boats and rowing to shore. Despite his protests, the girl insisted on helping the few crew members row.

When they reached the shore, she seemed more focused as she stepped onto the docks

Caspian felt a shiver down his spine. Something was very, very wrong about the island.

Reepicheep looked excited despite his sense of foreboding. "Nothing like a good old adventure to get your blood pumping," he grinned.

Caspian smiled, shaking his head. "Stay here," he ordered the mouse. "Send reinforcements if we're not back by dawn."

He, Edmund, Lucy, Robin and two crew members explored the small village, Caspian keeping a cautious eye on Robin, until they entered the bell tower.

Lucy frowned down at a pedestal with a large book on it.

"The names have been crossed out," she noted, wrinkling her nose at the dusty atmosphere.

Edmund seemed to tense slightly. "Slave traders..."

Just then dozen men dropped from the roof beams.

"Unless you want a severed head," a man said, grabbing a crewmember and holding a blade to the man's neck, "I suggest you drop your weapons."

~ VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER ~Where stories live. Discover now