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She took the sword gingerly, feeling the weight in her palm.

She looked at the mouse worriedly.

"Are you sure this is wise?"

She mouse slashed at her in reply. Robin jumped back in surprise. She glared.

With surprising force, she managed to lash back at the mouse.

Laughing as she went on, Robin soon found herself enticed in the mock-battle, finding it easier to push Reepicheep back with every lunge and slice.

She swirled around and ducked just in time.

Caspian's sword soared over her head. "That is not how you say hello," Robin stated, a hint of a smile rising before stabbing and slashing at the king.

She felt the tension rise as she faught the experienced swordgighter, arms soon tiring from the continuous blocks and lunges.

Finally he managed to grab hold of both of their swords, holding it against her neck so that she was pushed against his chest.

She was breathing heavily as she lifted her hands in defeat, shivering when her back was forced against him.

Caspian grinned and lowered the blades.

Big. Mistake.

She pulled a dagger from her belt and shoved him backwards.

The swords clattered to the ground and she pushed Caspian against the door of her and Lucy's cabin.

The dagger flashed in her grip and she held it against the king's neck, flashing a triumphant smile before the joy faded from her eyes and she dropped the blade, a small frown creasing her brow.

She nodded to him and turned away, moving back up the steps to take over the steering wheel once again.

The watching crew members disperced to their various positions at the barked order of the captain.

Caspian watched Robin, still standing at the cabin's door, and felt a smile spread across his lips.

A few hours later, they saw another island in the distance.

Before going to dock, however, Lucy pulled Caspian aside. "I don't know what it was you two spoke about last night," she said. "But it sure lifted a lot from Robin's shoulders."

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