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Robin smiled softly, the sound of small feet pattering around the courtyard lulling her into a daze.

She sighed happily, a small body of warmth snuggling closer to her as it lay with its head on her shoulder.

Her eyes shot open when the pattering turned into a thud and she felt the warmth against her body stir.

"Mama!" a small voice cried desperately.

She moved swiftly to her feet, instincts kicking in and almost running to the voice. She breathed a sigh of relief when she found the little girl laughing and rolling around in the grass.

"Caspian," she sighed. "I thought she was hurt!"

Caspian looked up and met her gaze, grinning.

The little girl laughed, pushing herself into a sitting position. She beamed at her parents, brown hair tied back in a messy braid and grey eyes shining with wonder and adoration.

She stood and walked over to Robin, reaching out for the small bundle resting against her chest.

Smiling softly at Everleigh, Robin sat down on her knees and allowed her daughter to gently cradle her little brother, James.

She smiled at Caspian when he settled down with Eve between them, gently taking hold of the boy's tiny hand.

He smiled when James sneezed loudly and Eve chuckled, looking up at Robin.

Robin sighed happily, kissing the top of the girl's head when a messenger came.

He bowed, obviously out of breath. "I bring news," he managed through panted breaths. Caspian nodded for him to continue, intrigued. "He has been seen wandering along the beach, your Majesties."

Robin grinned at Caspian, thanking the messenger.

"Let's go," she said.

She stood and gently lifted James into her arms again, taking Everleigh's hand. But Caspian stopped her. "We should take a carraige. You are still too weak to ride."

She rolled her eyes. "I'll be fine, Caspian. I know my limits."

He sighed, but nodded. "On the condition of only reaching a brisk trot. No cantering. And definitely no gallop."

She nodded and smiled, leading Eve towards the stables.

Caspian lifted the girl into the seat in front of him and rode his horse out of the stables, Robin following on her mare with James curled up in her arms.

They slowly made their way to the beach, Caspian glancing at her every now and again.

Eve was asleep in front of him, leaning back against her father.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

Robin nodded with a soft smile. "I'm fine, Caspian."

He smiled, taking hold of her hand. They rode on in silence until they saw a large figure resting in the sand and looking in their direction.

Robin grinned, urging her steed into a slow trot towards the Lion.

He purred when they approached, eyes warm and filled with kindness. "I see your family has grown," he said, voice a gentle rumble.

Eve woke up at the sound of the Lion's voice and stared at him with wide eyes.

Caspian gently lowered her onto the sand and she ran to hide behind Robin's skirts.

"Is he safe?"

"Safe? Who said anything about safe? Of course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you."

Eve frowned slightly, but pursed her lips and stepped closer to the Lion.

He lowered his head and rested it on his paws, smiling softly at the girl. "Hello, Everleigh," he said.

She stares at him with wide eyes. "How did you know my name?"

"I know all your names," he replied, tilting his head. "And I love each and every one of you with all my heart."

Eve stepped closer, eyeing his mane. "May I?" she asked hesitantly.

Aslan nodded, allowing her to gently run her fingers through his mane. She breathed in awe and giggled, eyes shining.

Robin smiled, sitting down in front of Aslan and presenting James.

Caspian crouched down next to her, smiling and kissing the top of her head.

The Lion eyed the sleeping baby, his breath causing shivers of warmth to run down Robin's spine.

After a while, Aslan smiled and stood, tail flicking happily. He then breathed a long, warm breath over Eve before bowing his head at Caspian and Robin.

"You have done well, my children. May you be blessed," he purred.

Then he turned and walked back down the beach, paws barely leaving marks in the sand.

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