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A/N: I just got 1K view oh my hell I LOVE you guys!! *makes inhuman sound and dies*
I was in animal magic mode when I wrote this. I hope you like it! 💙

Birds sang around her, leaves rustling in the forest. A herd of deer moved past. Their gazes met hers and they seemed to smile.

She returned a soft smile and moved along the path, her blue dress dragging slightly behind her.

Robin's thoughts wandered back to Caspian's note.

Robin, it had read. Follow the path at noon and meet me at the lake.

She smiled and shook her head.

A few minutes later she reached a small clearing next to the lake. She gasped.

Fireflies fluttered through the air, small bodies ranging from soft pink to bright blue. She stepped into the lights, lifting her hand a few times in attempt to catch a firefly.

When she succeeded, she found Caspian's hands closed over her own.

He smiled. "I'm glad you came," he said.

"Well," Robin said. "How could I possibly resist? You are my king, afterall."

He pulled a face. "I strongly dislike being called that."

She laughed. "I know."

Her gaze traveled over the clearing. "Why did you bring me here?"

He grinned. "You'll see in a moment." He took her hand and guided her to the edge of the water, setting her down next to him in the soft grass.


She looked over the river and stared as the creature stepped out from the forest to drink.

It had the body of a stag and mane of a lion, with moss hanging from his antlers.

"What is it?" she whispered in awe.

"We don't know. It's been coming here since we returned from the Voyage." Caspian looked down at her. "I think it is drawn to you."

Robin scoffed.

"I'm serious!" he pouted. "Just see if you can get it to come closer."

She met his gaze and sighed. "Fine."

Standing slowly, she placed her toes in the water. The creature lifted its head in her direction and huffed.

It sniffed curiously in her direction before stepping into the water. She stared as it stopped in front of her. She slowly lifted her hand, palm facing upwards. The creature stopped and lifted its head. She stood still as it rested its chin on her shoulder.

Robin lifted her hand and ran it through the creature's mane, feeling the familiar softness beneath her fingers.

A soft light was left in her finger's trail and she felt a warmness fill her.

Then the creature turned and vanished into the forest.

She turned to Caspian. "He says hi," she informed him. "His name is Sebastian."

The king nodded bluntly. "Oh."

She laughed and sat down next to him again. "He says you will be a great king, too."

"And does he say anything about how good--?"

She stopped him by gently pressing her lips against his. "I can judge that myself," she smiled.

He grinned and nodded. "Fair enough."

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