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Lucy watched, terrified, as Robin was pulled to her feet and dragged onto a pedestal.

She was still tied to the wall with heavy metal chains and Caspian and Edmund were only Aslan knows where. Not to mention the crewmembers...

The man who had threatened to kill one of the crew earlier started calling out prices, his voice triumphant and greedy.

Robin was still motionless as she watched the bidding continue, eyes locked with the sun's harsh gaze.

A while earlier the two girls had watched as a carraige pulled a group of seemingly random people towards the harbour, a man crying out after his loved one. The villagers where loaded onto boats and set out to sea where a green mist devoured them.

Something about the mist had bothered Robin, and it wasn't just it's ominous feast.

"Sold!" the man shouted, allowing another greedy looking man to drag Robin away from the crowd.

"No!" Lucy shrieked. "Let her go!"

The first man slapped her across the face, causing Lucy to whimper.

"Who wants this one?" the man asked.

Tears streaming down her face, Lucy watched as people with long cloaks approached the podium.

"I'll take them," a particularly large figure said. "I'll take them all!"

Suddenly, in a flurry of movement, the crew members of the Dawn Treader threw the hoods from their heads, shouted a valiant "For Narnia!" and leapt into battle against the slave traders.

Wonder above wonders, Edmund and Caspian also managed to escape their cells.

Reepicheep freed Lucy.

"Caspian!" Lucy shouted, running towards the king with a dagger in her hand.

"They took Robin!" she panted, grabbing one of the cloaks from the ground and bursting into a sprint.

Caspian paled as he followed Lucy through the empty streets of the village.

They easily found the house where Robin was, the girl's pained shrieks easily heard in the quiet area.

Kicking the door open, Caspian lifted his sword.

The man who bought Robin instantly backed away, giving Lucy the chance to run to the girl's aid.

"What did you do to her?" Caspian hissed, staring in horror at the way her bruised body went limp against Lucy.

"The lass insisted," the man grinned darkly. "She couldn't get enough of me."

Disgusted, Caspian hit the man over the head whith the butt of his sword, watching with grim satisfaction as the man crumpled to the floor.

Lucy had managed to pull the red Narnian cloak over the unconcious girl, but was struggling to guide her out of the house.

Without hesitation, Caspian picked her up and ran back to where the rowing boats where docked.

~ VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER ~Where stories live. Discover now