one night stand

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Sorry to start the story this way

Sasuke's POV
I remember I went to a party at shikamaru and had a couple of drinks. I woke up naked in a bed with the blond besides me....NAKED?!?!. I took a closer look to see it was.....NARUTO!?!!.

"MMmmmhh... S-sasuke f-faster" Naruto said as Sasuke thrust into naruto's ass harder and quicker earning pleasurable moans from the blond. Naruto was facing in front Sasuke. They were both drunk so they probably won't even remember what happened the next day. Sasuke leaned in and kiss the blond as grunts came from Sasuke thrusting into Naruto and then *splurt* Sasuke came inside of Naruto and moments later they began making out with tongues fighting for dominance. Sasuke won and began exploring every single spot inside of naruto's mouth with his given chance. Sasuke pulled away from the kiss leaving a single string of saliva connecting to them as they both stared at each others lewd face. Naruto then fell asleep next to Sasuke

Flashback over (just skipped a bunch of what happened so yea)

Sasuke then jumped out the bed making the blond wake up. Naruto asked "w-what happen" as he felt a sharp pain to his head it was bearable though. Sasuke didn't say anything to Naruto and left in a hurry.

Sasuke avoided Naruto for about 2 months now and is trying to erase that wretched memory from his head. He didn't pick up Narutos call or answered his text messages,until Naruto texted Sasuke some shocking news

Naruto- Sasuke I'm...... pregnant

The news shocked Sasuke 'HOW CAN A GUY GET PREGNANT!!!' Sasuke thought as he began panicking. Sasuke told his parents about the pregnant blond and they both agreed that Sasuke should own up to his mistake and and marry him.

Naruto,an innocent blond married into a loveless marriage. You can clearly see the parents of Sasuke disapproval of the blond but if it means having a heir for the Uchiha next generation it's ok. No matter the gender it just has to be a Uchiha,most preferably a boy.

Over the 7 months that Naruto had lived with his so called husband,Sasuke. Naruto was know to the family as "that one guy Sasuke slept with". Naruto was disrespected and was insulted by the 3 wives Sakura,ino and Karin.

Naruto's POV
"Your so disgusting for sleeping with other peoples husbands" Sakura said to me with a disgusted face. "Yea!" Ino said trying to back Sakura up.
I was so tired of this. This is what I wake up to every morning for the past 7 months with people telling me I'm disgusting,that I'm a freak and that I'm a waste of space. Even the parents agreed.
On the day I gave birth my 'oh so great husband' didn't even show up to be by my side. After I've given birth to the baby it's gender was a girl. She had black Raven hair like her dad and blue eyes like mines with 2 whiskers on each cheek. If I could I would've turn back time and stop this loveless marriage.

Naruto didn't see sasuke the whole day. Sasuke didn't even bother showing up to see his own kid.
This indeed broke Naruto's heart. He didn't have to show up to see Naruto but just for the newborn and he can't even do that. Naruto was let go of the hospital a week later. He came "home" only to see sasuke making out with one of the 3 wives,Sakura. Tears began pouring down Narutos eyes and he left to his room and packed his stuff to leave. Sasuke saw Naruto holding a lugage but didn't mind,he only thought "finally he's leaving". Naruto took his newborn child,Yukami with him and never came back to the Uchiha compound,leaving Sasuke with his 3 annoying wife.

Five years later
Naruto fled to America when he left the uchiha compound and came back to Japan 5 years later with a grown child. Yukami is 5 years old with a cute adorable smile that always cheers Naruto up when he's sad. Of course during those 5 years sasuke found out that all 3 of his wives cheated on him and divorce all of them forgetting his 4 wife (husband) Naruto.

Sasuke had some free time and went to go visit his first grade school that he went to and met all his great friends. Sasuke then saw this cute little girl that is about 5 years old having fun and is surrounded by boys and girls. She seemed quite popular just like Sasuke was when he was her age. The little girl then went to this blond feminine boy and that's when Naruto heart skipped a beat. Yukami accidentally bumped into Sasuke and activated yukami's sharigan. Yukami was able to activate her sharigan because mommy (naruto) always told her to stay away from strangers. Yukami was almost kidnapped once and that activated her sharigan.
Anyway....yukami bumped into sasuke and had her sharigan on. She looked up to see the Raven haired boy and said "I'm sorry mister" as she deactivated her sharigan and ran past sasuke,straight to her mother(Naruto) as fast as she could. Sasuke turned around only to see a beautiful blond feminine boy giving his child a hug and a kiss to the forehead.

Naruto then looked at who yukami bumped into,to say sorry for her daughter even though yukami already apologized. Naruto looked closely and saw that,that person was Sasuke. Theirs eyes were locked on to eachothers not looking away.

Sasuke's POV
I went to my old grade school and saw a little cute girl surrounded by all her peers. She had dark Raven hair like mine,blue ocean eyes and whiskers
On each cheek. She reminded me of someone. She ran torwards her father that looked very feminine. She accidentally bumped into and me and was looking down. She looked up and had her sharigan eyes at such a young age.'shes....a UCHIHA?!!' I thought. She apologized and ran to her father and hugged him. I stared at the blond looking angel he kissed his childs forehead and hugged back and looked up to see me. Are eyes were locked together.

"Sasuke......" Said Naruto as he brought yukami up to his shoulders. Sasuke has never met never met the blond In his whole life and said "I'm...sorry do I know you?". The blond gave a disappointed face and said "no" and walked away to.....Gaara and Lee???.

Hope ya like this
(Excuse ma flaws)°~°

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