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Naruto and his daughter Yuka (yukami) are living with garra and Lee until all of naruto's stuff are moved into his house. Naruto,of course owned the namikaze-uzumaki company. He didn't just go and did nothing for the past five years in America.

Unfortunately the N.U. (namikaze-uzumaki) company works with the Uchiha company so they see each other from time to time. Although Fugaku clearly knew who Naruto really was....the fourth wife(husband) of his son. Honestly Fugaku totally regret being so mean to the blond be Fugaku knew he could expanded his company by the work of naruto,seeing that Naruto is also one of the largest company in America as will. Fugaku can't do anything about it.

Naruto works day and night. He was always kind to his employees and to all the people around him unlike uchiha Sasuke.

It has been 3 days since Naruto and Sasuke has met. Sasuke got a texted from garra saying they are celebrating Narutos welcome home party and everybody is invited.
Of course Sasuke would obviously go seeing that he has been kind of out of it the few past days after meeting Naruto.

Narutos POV
"Mommy mommy when are the guests coming" Yuka said with huge adorable eyes looking at me while hugging my leg. "Soon sweetie...soon" I said giving her a sweet smile. I heard the door bell ringed and so i went and opened the door to see everyone....even Sasuke.

After neji,Hinata,kiba, shikamaru, and a bunch of other people came to Naruto's house they were surprised to see a huge mansion twice the size of the uchiha compound. We were also celebrating Yuka's birthday because it was her birthday that day they were doing the house warming party. Yuka is now 6 years old and is surrounded by all the people she love all except one....her father.

Yuka got a chocolate cake for her birthday and had some friends come over. One of Yuka's personal maid came and said "miss uchiha your mom got you something". Sasuke felt uncomfortable after he heard that Yuka is an actual blood related uchiha. But the question is who is her father.

Naruto was in the kitchen preparing some dessert for all the guests and Sasuke was walking around the house and notice a room that said "art room". Sasuke walked in and saw a painting that looked almost like him on a canvas. Sasukes hand gently touched the painting then heard little footstep come running into the room and saw Yuka panting and out of breath. She caught her breath and said "D-dont *pant* touch that!!". Sasuke backed away from the painting and said "why".

Tears were filling Yuka's eyes as she said while holding her hand tightly to her chest "b-because th-thats the only thing I *hic* have left close to my d-daddy" as tears ran down her face. Sasuke walked towards Yuka and hugged her. Yuka was still crying but the comfort of this man was warm and soothing her heart. After awhile Yuka calmed down and Sasuke said "I'm sorry I-i didn't know". Yuka got up and smiled,wiping her tears away and looking at her painting and said "you look exactly just like what my mommy describe how my daddy looks like!!". Her smiles warmed Sasukes heart wishing he could have a daughter like Yuka. Sasuke was confused and asked "do you know your dad's name" Yuka nodded no but each year on her birthday Naruto would give Yuka one letter of her father's name and this year was the last letter to her father's name.

"YUKA!! ITS TIME FOR THE LAST LETTER" Naruto yelled from the kitchen. Yuka got really excited and ran downstairs to her mother and got the last letter which was a E?. Naruto told Yuka to not ever tell anyone her father's name and so she kept it a secret. Her first birthday the first letter was an S and her second was A her third was another S her fourth was a U her fifth was a K and finally she got her last letter. Of course she knew her father's last name but not the first name. She was so excited and went back upstairs to see Sasuke still looking at the painting the looked almost like him. She was so excited she forgot what her mother (father)told her her not to tell anyone. She walked up and hugged Sasuke and said "I GOT THE LAST LETTER YAY!!!". She quickly grabbed a pencil from her art drawer and went to the painting and wrote sasuke. Sasuke was confused and said "your dad's name is Sasuke uchiha?".
Yuka nodded with excitement. Sasuke lied and said he was gonna go use the bathroom but in reality he went to go see Naruto.

He heard Naruto talking I'm the phone and heard him say "yes Mom I won't let her go near the uchiha especially Sasuke". Naruto hanged up the phone and saw Sasuke staring at him.

(Excuse ma flaws)°~°

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