them lies

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As naruto and kushina was driving, kushina kept questioning "what happened to her!!!". Of course naruto had to lie and say "mom its okay some baby lions just escape the zoo and attack yuka out of no where" Naruto wasn't the best at lying but hey his mom bought it.....only cause she was to worried to notice naruto's lie. 

As they got inside the building kushina quickly rushed to the front table and said "Yukami Namikaze-Uzumaki What ROOM IS SHE!!". The front desk manager looked confused and said "did you mean yukami uch-" "ahem!" interrupted naruto. "ah sorry uh.. room 63 up stairs" the nurse at the front desk nervously said. Kushina literally bolted to the elevator while dragging naruto and made her way to room 63. 

As they opened the door yuka was found sitting on the edge of her bed as the breeze swiftly blow her hair behind her. The sun was sitting and it was 5 almost 6. Yuka had not notice kushina or naruto come in so kushina then lightly knocked the door, grabbing yuka's attention. Yuka was not allowed to lie on the bed or it will but pressure on her wounds, she turned around to see who came and it was her grandma and mother. Yuka's eyes then became teary as she ran to her grandmother and hugged her leg while crying "gr-granny i m-missed" sobbed yuka.

Kushina brought the child to her shoulders and said "i heard you were attack by bad lions so i came as fast as i could to get" cooed kushina as she wiped yuka's tears. Yuka tightly hugged her grandma as she stared at naruto who innocently smiled as he brought his index finger to his lip telling to keep quiet. 

After awhile kushina then sat yuka on the bed as her phone then ranged, it was minato. 

Minato: hey uhh where are you guys?

Kushina: we'll be home later were at the hospital cause yuka got injured by some wild animals

Minato: oh is she okay? i'll see you guys at home also were having dinner with the uchiha's tonight

Kushina: really? oh will i guess i'm cooking tonight also she's okay i don't think it was to severe 

Minato: okay will i got her the doll so........bye love!

end call

As kushina was about to speak the doctor came in with yuka's results and said "ok will the wounds will heal within a week or 2 and the wounds wont leave any mark so your child is fine". Naruto sighed in relief and said "thank you for your service doc". The doctor nodded and left. "oh by the way naruto dear were having dinner with the uchiha's tonight so please put work aside and join us" said kushina. Naruto sighed and said "sure why not". 

Time skip 

Yuka was finally home. Kushina and naruto chuckled at the sight of yuka's adorable smile. "ah! naruto can you take yuka upstairs, i'm gonna be cooking for us and the uchiha family." Naruto mentally sighed but said in a cheerful voice "sure mom". Yuka and naruto made their way upstairs as naruto tightly held yuka's hand as tears dripped down from his eyes. Yuka stopped and walked in front of naruto and hugged his leg saying "its okay mommy". Naruto quiety broke down as he kneel down on his knees and hugged yuka softly for fear of hurting her while repeatedly apologizing. "mommys sorry he wasn't there soon enough to protect to" Naruto silently cried as yuka began caressing his beautiful blond hair. "shhhh mommy im okay..." Yuka said as she hugged naruto back. 

Naruto brought yuka to his shoulder as they walked to his room, during their walk yuka was softly wiping away naruto's tears. They got to the room and placed yuka on his bed, Naruto layed besides yuka as he began to slowly drift off to sleep.


Minato opened the door to see fugaku and sasuke in a black suit and and mikoto in a black dress looking away, her face was filled with............guilt?. "come in" minato said. Everyone made their way to the dinner table while kushina went to go and gwr aruto and yuka. She knocked on the door while saying "naruto dear the uchiha family are here so please get up and get dress". Naruto's eyes flutter opened as he groaned in annoyance as he then woke up yuka from their little nap and got both of them dress while making their way to the dinner table. Yuka was wearing an adorable white dress with a black jacket that hitted her waist. She pulled up a chair and sat next to her grandma as kushina then said " ah! mikoto san have ou met my grandaught, yukami namikaze-uzumaki?". Mikoto hesitantly shooked her head and said "n-no" while averting her eyes looking away from yuka. Just then naruto pulled a seat and sat next to yuka and began to eat.

They chatted for awhile, after dinner chatted some more. The parents had a private talk in the living room while naruto and sauke were alone in the kitchen with absolute silence, will until yukami then tugged onto naruto's pant and rubbed her eyes while saying "mommy im sleepy" naruto smiled and picked up yuka and brought her to the room. Naruto tucked yuka in and left, he went outside to the back yard to breath, the house was big and yet naruto felt like he was being suffocated in there. He sat on the bench and looked up at the stars, he then saw sasuke making his way to him. Naruto immediatly got up to leave, as he walked pass by sasuke, sasuke pulled naruto's arm making the blond turn around and face him. Naruto then yanked his arm away from sasuke and said "Don't touch me i might catch aids or herpes from you!". He continued to walk away, as he got close to the door that enters the house he was quickly pinned to the wall by sasuke. "TEEEMMMMEEEE!!! What are you doing let me go!!" yelled naruto.

Sasuke then said "Not until you tell me why your acting like this!!". Naruto's eyes sharpened in anger and said "Stupid teme! Whats wrong with you, threatening me like this is your house!". Sasuke then gave him a smirk and said "like i care now, tell me". Naruto then broke away from his grasp and said "i don't have to tell you shit".

"God damn it naruto!!! why must you make this so complicating, TELL ME!!" shouted sasuke. Naruto finally then snapped and said " you wanna know why i'm acting like this, isn't obvious, YOU DICK YOU AND YOUR CRAZY MOTHER HARMED MY CHILD, OUR FUCKING CHILD!!!! and yet YOU dare have the balls to ask me why i'm acting like this you damn..........MANWHORE!!!!!!". Sasuke was lost for words as tears streamed down naruto's eyes. Naruto then walked away, mad, leaving sasuke in awe.

Thx for reading

excuse ma flaws *~*

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