A day at the uchiha compound

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Yukami was still at school waiting for her grandpa iruka to show up. Yuka decided to walk home until a car stopped in front of her. The man got out of the car said "Yuka why are you walking home" yuka stared blankly at sasuke and said "Because mama and grandpa is busy so i have to walk home". Sasuke sighed and said to the adorable little ravened hair girl "why don't you come home with me and i'll call your "mama" to come pick you up when he's done with work." 

Yuka nodded as she got into sasuke's car. They stopped at a huge mansion which didn't seem to surprise yuka at all seeing that she had a bigger mansion than the one in front of her in america. Sasuke led yuka to his mother and immediately scream and almost died of cuteness. "kYAAAAA sasuke who is this cute child!!!!!" yelled mikoto. Yuka had already covered her ear because obviously this isn't the first time a mother has ever screamed this loud at her . Yuka bowed and said "hello nice to meet you I'm Yukami Uchiha,but please call me yuka". The words uchiha ran around mikoto's head and so she said "sorry kid but were the only uchiha family left so please don't joke around, trying to ruin are family name" mikoto said as nicely as she could. Sasuke stood there next to yuka and mentally face palmed himself. "mom she is a uchiha" said sasuke. Mikoto slightly laughed and said "sasuke did you seriously fall for a little kids trick?",Mikoto then walked towards yuka and kneel down her and said"sorry yuka but i don't believe if i don't see the eye got that?". Yuka of course didn't give two shits if they believed her or not so she said "You don't need to believe me i never said you had to...." and with that yuka walked away. 

Mikoto's POV

Sasuke came home with a cute little girl that looked just liked him when he was young but of course with longer hair. I yelled out in joy and said "kYAAAAA sasuke who is this cute child!!!!!". She replied to me in a cute and yet emotionless face "hello nice to meet you I'm Yukami Uchiha,but please call me yuka". Uchiha? Great its another one of those uchiha wannabe kid again,how nice........(being sarcastic). I asked her to stop and said to her "sorry kid but were the only uchiha family left so please don't joke around, trying to ruin are family name". Sasuke then said that she is a uchiha which caught me off guard cause i didn't think my son was that stupid to fall for some obvious trick. Yuka just stared at me with still just a plain and emotionless face 'i have a plan for you later'. I sighed and said to her "sorry yuka but i don't believe if i don't see the eye got that?". She then said something to me that got on my nerves "You don't need to believe me i never said you had to....". She then walked away from me ' arrogant little brat'.

Sasuke then went and followed yuka,he got in front of her and told her to follow him. Yuka was then showed a room filled with toys. Yuka then said "can i get a piece of paper and a pencil please". Yuka already had all these material but just wanted sasuke to leave so she can draw in peace,sasuke had already contacted her mother in the car now all she had to do was play the waiting game. 

After awhile of drawing in peace sasuke finally came back and said "hey yuka i don't have a pencil-" sasuke was interrupted by the beautiful drawing yuka had drewn of her mother. Yuka turned around and said "no need i already have them" and continued her drawing. Sasuke was surprise that a child like yuka was like a mature 23 year old even though she's only six. Sasuke then grabbed a chair at the corner of the room and sat down. He stared hard at yuka and asked her "so......yuka hows your mother?...." yuka was still drawing and replied "he's fine". It was silence for awhile so sasuke decided to break the silence and asked "sooooo how much do you you know about your dad?" yuka didn't seem to mind the question so she then just answered "not much.....".Sasuke sighed and then asked the question he's been dying to know since his last meeting with naruto "yuka......do you think i'm your dad" yuka stopped her drawing of naruto and stayed silent for awhile. "no....your nothing like what mom describes how my dad is......".

Sasuke stood there in silence while yuka just went back to her drawing "how......... does your naruto describe your dad............" yuka sighed and said in a trembling voice "he....says his name at night in,...........his dreams with so much.........hurt, he'd sometimes cry about it too....mom says he cruel,worthless and........heartless" there was a long pause when yuka said heartless and continued her sentence "I guess i shouldn't blame mom for calling him heartless seeing that he didn't even show up when mom was giving birth to me......i said no because mr. uchiha your nothing like my dad" Yuka had tears streaming down her eyes. She wiped her tears away remembering what naruto had told her 'as long as im here we don't need your father'. Those words stayed in her head because she should at least be glad she has at least one of her parent with her. Yuka took her pencil and began drawing again.

(disclaimer not my art credit to who ever made this)

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(disclaimer not my art credit to who ever made this)

Sasuke sat there in shock and said "i see". Sasuke got up and left the room, yuka was just drawing.  Sasuke was in the kitchen thinking about what kind of father yuka's dad was, he grabbed a cup and poured some milk  into it and grabbed some cookie's for yuka. 

with yuka/yuka POV

I was drawing my eye's were red and i felt somewhat relieve that i talked to someone about this mr. uchiha is really nice. I heard the door creaked open more then it already was. I turned around hoping to see mister sasuke but a man in all black, he came towards me and everything there was just a blur to me there. 

Sasuke finally came back with milk and cookies saying "Yuka i brought you some milk and cookie's to help-" sasuke looked and saw that yuka was gone and there was a note on the little table near yuka's drawing.

"Come to the basement if you wanna see this wannabe uchiha again"

sign your beloved mother~

sasuke then thought ' great moms gone crazy again'.

What is going to happen to yuka?

who is gonna save her?

thx for reading 

excuse ma flaws *~*

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