shit happened

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Sasuke sighed as he made his way to the basement. He then heard the door.

*knock knock* 

He then heard from outside the door. (XD)

"excuse me Mr. Uchiha i have come to pick up my daughter!" yelled a certain somebody behind the door.

At this point sasuke is now panicking, what will naruto say if he found out his daughter  might be in danger or what will his dad say about this!?!?. Sasuke rushed to the door and opened it only to only see naruto in his suit, he had just came back from work to pick his daughter up. 
"N-naruto why are you here...."sasuke questioned nervously as he tried to buy himself some time. "Mr. Uchiha like i said i've come to get my daughter, if you could please have her come here as soon as possible"replied naruto as he was texting iruka about not picking up yuka. 

In a split second as naruto had just sent his last text to iruka, screams felled the whole house echoing from every corner. This caught naruto's attention and yelled "yuka!?" in a panic. Naruto went pass by sasuke entering the house and made his way to his daughters scream for help. He couldn't hear her anymore. Naruto turned back at the nervous Uchiha and said in an angered voice "where is my daughter?!". Sasuke then said the basement, sasuke and naruto ran to the basement but since the house was too big it took them awhile to find the screaming ravenette. 

"MOTHER!!"cried the little girl. Naruto felt hurt to hear his daughter screaming in pain calling for help, getting hurt because he putted work before his own child. 

With Yuka

"dear, dear, dear what a mess i've made of"mikoto said as blood spilled from yuka's small bleeding back. In her hand was a whip stained with yuka's blood. Soft whimpers came from yuka, mikoto smiled and said "good girls do not lie, now apologize for shaming the uchiha name and lying!" yelled mikoto. Yuka's back was facing mikoto, yuka then said "I am not wrong....I am a uchiha and I am strong" Yuka whimpered. 

The door to the basement then opened, sasuke came running down to see such horrid sight. Naruto camed second with tear falling down his face as he ran to his daughter. Yuka was hanging on the cieling with her legs and body above the ground in a position that shows her back to mikoto. Naruto immediately got yuka down and held her crying. "You stupid selfish Uchiha's!!" Yuka was hanging onto naruto's shirt as they were both on the ground, Yuka was held in naruto's grasped and was crying saying " a good girl i don't lie....right?". Yuka said it so quietly that only naruto could hear. That was until mikoto then said nervously in a scared voice "Mr Namikaze-U-uzumaki w-what are y-you do-doing here". 

Naruto's eyes turned red as he then yelled "PICKING UP MY DAUGHTER WHAT ELSE!!!!!!" Sasuke stood there next to the door feeling guilty and made his way to yuka and naruto. Naruto layed Yuka on the floor and grabbed his phone as he stood up and called the hospital or Fugaku. Naruto was stress, tears were coming down his eyes, Mikoto was just standing there in in shock thinking that she had just hurted some random little girl sasuke brought home but turns out to be the child of the N.U. company's daughter. Sasuke was holding yuka when he then heard yuka say "Am i a bad girl daddy......".

Yuka of course knew her father was sasuke but kept quiet from her mother cause she knew how painful the topic was for naruto, Because after this incident she isn't sure if she'll ever see him ever again. 

"f-father" sasuke said as he held yuka. Naruto noticed this and grabbed his daughter out of sasuke's grasp and said "don't touch her!" and with that naruto carried yuka out of the house and quickly went to the hospital. 

Sasuke was left with a bunch of guilt piling up one after another. That night fugaku came home angrily at his wife and called up for a family meeting. The three of them sat in a large living room with a pissed off fugaku. The aura in the room was intense, glares were being thrown off, shame was being shown and everything was just terrible. Fugaku then opened his mouth and said as calmly as possible "the boss of the N.U. company has called me, breaking off our tied for the uchiha company, meaning we are not able to expand our company any further". 

Sasuke then stood up and said out of the blue "i am yuka's father, i take full responsibility about breaking off the tied". Fugaku sighed and looked at mikoto, Mikoto was trembling in horror as she just did the most awfullest thing to her grand-daughter, her first grandchild.

They next day fugaku and his family was called by naruto to set up a meeting about the huge incident.

 "I am terribly sorry Mr. Namikaze-Uzumaki" said fugaku. Naruto gave mikoto a cold glare and looked at fugaku who was still bowing, hoping for an apology. Naruto sighed and said in a cold tone while sitting in front of his desk "you know i could sue you right?....or even tell the police department about this and "shame" the uchiha family ya know". Fugaku's back stiffen but felt a little relief after naruto then said "but i wont....under one condition". Fugaku then desperately replied "yes yes anything just please have don't". Naruto then looked at sasuke and mikoto while saying "stay the hell away from my family". Sasuke then burst out yelling "WHAT YOU CAN'T KEEP ME FROM MY OWN DAUGHTER!!". Naruto and sasuke both then exchange a glare while naruto said "you can't even recognize your daughter so YOU have no say, plus this time Mr Uchiha i have the upper hand. So agree with what i say or your family company can go down the drain for all i care ". Naruto then hear foot steps coming closer to his door and BAM the door swinged open with a happy red headed lady yelling "NARUTO DEAR ~~ where's my grand-daughter".

Thx for reading 

excuse ma flaws 


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