A Grand Meeting

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Kushina had just busted through the door only to be greeted by the uchiha's and her lovely son naruto having a serious conversation. "Kyaaaaaaaaa! Mikoto-chan I haven't seen you in forEVER~!" squealed kushina as she ran and gave her a big hug. Naruto sighed and said "mom wheres dad?" Kushina perked up and let go of mikoto and said "he went to go buy yuka a stuff doll since he forgot her birthday" she said as she put both of her hands to her back and chuckled while her face heat up because of embarrassment. 

"anyway wheres MY CUTE grand-daughter!?" kushina said very positively. Naruto sighed once again and said "she's in the hospital". Kushina's eyes widen in horror filled with worries. "w-what happened to her...."she said in a dark tone that brought shivers down mikoto's and sasuke's spine. Naruto got up from his desk and said "I'll explain on the way lets go....oh and Mr Uchiha we'll talk again next time" naruto said as he walked past by fugaku and whispered one last thing before he left "so sit still and be quiet well ya".

As naruto and kushina left, silence was brought upon the uchiha family. They walked towards the window and watched as naruto and kushina got into the car and made there way to the hospital. 

Sorry for making it short 

Excuse Ma Flaws *~*

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