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Naruto stomp his way into the house catching the attention of his parents and the uchiha's. 

"Naruto dear, are you alright?" Kushina asked worriedly.

"i'm fine mom" Naruto mumbled back in annoyance. 

"are you sure?" Kushina said wanting to make sure the blond was alright.

Naruto deeply sighed and smiled "yes mom, I was just annoyed that a certain raven won't leave me alone" Naruto said while quietly mumbling that last part. Just then sasuke came inside the house while yelling "Naruto! we're not done talking yet!!". Naruto turned and glared at the annoying raven and said "i think we are Mr. Uchiha, now if you'll excuse me i need to go".

Naruto walked away like nothing happened, like sasuke doesn't even exist. 




The Uchiha family was sent home afterwards, Naruto was still trying to keep his cool as he work and not yell random unnecessary things that will for sure wake up yukami. That sasuke how dare he come to the blond's household and talk like he own the fucking place. The nerve that guy has!. 

Naruto decided that he couldn't work while he was fuming so he decided to call it a night and get in bed with yuka. 

Monday morning, Naruto woke up early and sent yuka to school and went to work. He got to the parking lot and parked his car, he got out and walked out of his and as he walked to his office, he bumped into someone. 

Naruto took a step back after he bumped into someone as he then hear "oh! I am so sorry, i'm new to the place here and i sorta got lost".

"No its fine, i wasn't looking at where i was going anyway" Naruto replied as he finally got a good look at who he bumped into. It was a girl, her hair was black and to her waist, she wore many accessories and had calm beautiful pure brown eyes. Naruto thought the girl was beautiful at first sight, he actually wouldn't mind turning straight for her.

"o-oh right"the girl said as she held out her hand and continued her sentence "I'm Shinae Otsuki, You must be naruto right?". Naruto nodded and shooked her hand in confusion of who the girl was, surely he knew every single employee he had hired but who is she?.

"I'm sorry we had to meet like this, my father is attending business here with you today and will...i got lost" Shinae said as she rubbed that back of neck nervously. 

That's when it hit him, HE HAD A MEETING TODAY!!. How could he forget something so important too!. Naruto was panicking but cleared his throat and calmly spoke with a charming voice and a sweet smile that made shinae blush a little "it's alright, follow me i'll show you the way".

Naruto walked, leading the way as Shinae followed. After a 5 minute walk, they reached a glass door and inside that room of the glass door was an old man who looks about in his 50's. 

They went inside the room and Shinae immediately went to the old man and yelled "father how could you leave me!" while pouting. The old man chuckled and said sorry as he then saw naruto at the corner of his eye. "ah, Mr Namikaze Uzumaki-", "call me naruto" Naruto interjected.

"yes, will naruto, its nice to see you again, should we start the meeting" The old man said as naruto nodded in agreement.




After the meeting, it was time for Mr. Otsuki to go home, Mr. otsuki had asked if Shinae wanted a ride home but she kindly said no, not wanting to bother her father. After Mr. Otsuki left Shinae walked up to Naruto nervously and said "n-naruto kun, if you don't mind i would like to treat you to dinner as a thanks for helping me".

"n-no its okay, don't trouble yourself" Naruto said as he held up hi hands in defense. 

"I-its no trouble at all, I want to thank you so please accept my request" Shinae said as she bowed.

Naruto didn't want to hurt the girl's feeling so he accepted the offer, but little did he know, a certain raven was watching. "Great! how about 7?" Shinae asked.

"7 sounds great" Naruto said as he smiled at the girl, again causing her to blush.

As time went on Shinae left the N.U. company to go get ready while naruto has to work and go pick up Yuka at 3, which was in an hour. He quickly got to work and finished all his documents just in time to go and pick up his daughter.

He made his way to the parking lot but as soon as he was about to get into his car, he was yanked by the collar was pulled back to the darkest part of the parking lot. Naruto was shoved to the wall, his head low as his brain tries to process what was going on, he looked up to who ever the person was that yanked and shoved him only to find black obsidian eyes looking at him in anger. 

Sorry for leaving it short 

Thanks for readin

Excuse ma flaws *~*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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