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Sasuke stared at Naruto in confusion and asked "what do you mean Sasuke". Naruto tried to play it cool and said "oh did i say Sasuke i meant sasuage". Sasuke felt a little insulted but then again it wasn't about him so why should he care.

Everybody enjoyed their time at Yuka's birthday party and went home around 10. Sasuke drove home to see his parents sitting on the sofa,he knew right away it was a family conference. "Son sit down we need to talk" Fugaku said looking at Sasuke seriously. "What's wrong" Sasuke asked feeling uneasy. "Your 4th wife is back with a child" mikoto said looking down. 4th wife sasuke thought and then it suddenly hit him. "Are you talking about that gay guy that i accidentally slept with" Sasuke said smirking. Fugaku gave Sasuke a disappointed face and said "he is now the owner of the N.U. company,one of the biggest one yet to". That shocked Sasuke,Naruto was the N.U. company boss. "So what do you want me to do about it" Sasuke said in a annoyed tone. "*Sigh*nothing" mikoto said.

Sasukes POV
So Narutos my 4th wife. I've never really paid attention to him because he just wasn't attractive as my other 3 wives that cheated on me. Though then again he looks hot. Man if only he had carried my kids and didn't leave me for another for some guy name sasuage. The thought then crossed my mind Yuka said her dad's name was Sasuke then why did Naruto say sasuage?. I guess I'll have to look into that then.

Yuka was at school she was the most smartest yet cutest girl at school.
It was time for her to go home Yuka is in the first grade and is already favored by all the teachers.
Yuka was waiting for her mother to come pick her up but since she (he) was at work so Grandpa Iruka came and picked up Yuka.

With Sasuke
"Sai i need you to search up some information about yukami uchiha" Sasuke said. Sai nodded and came back into sasuke's room after an hour of research.

Yukami Uchiha's record
(So far)
Birth date : July 10 2001

Age : 6

Parents/relative: Mother Naruto namikaze-uzumaki Father |unknown|grandma Tsunade,pervy sage (idk how to spell his name 😂) Karin uzumaki, Minato namikaze, Kushina uzumaki,Nagato uzumaki and etc

Guardian:Iruka umino

School: Welic elementary (random name i picked for the school)

Hospital born in: Amadori Hospital

Born in:japan

Talent: art


"Sai i would like you to do some research on Naruto namikaze-uzumaki" "hai sir" and with that sai was gone.

Naruto got home from a tiring day at worked and went into his daughters room to see her playing with Iruka. Yuka saw Naruto walked into her room. She got up and ran torwards naruto snuggling her face in Narutos legs. She looked up to see Naruto her mother smiling sweetly at her. "Hey Yuka dear how was school?" Naruto asked in a sweet soothing voice. "It was fun mama! But there's too many fanboys!" she pouted.

Yuka looked away and saw her Grandpa leaving the room to make Naruto and Yuka a snack. Yuka grabbed her mother's hand and pulled her torwards the chair. Naruto sat down and Yuka stood there in front of her mother. "M-mom why did you leave dad". The question shocked Naruto and he didn't know what to say,it hurts to remember his terrible past. "Will...Yuka darling your father...didn't love me and you" Naruto said with a sad expression.

Tears came down Yuka's face as she said in tears "d-daddy didn't love" Yuka bursted until tears but felt arms around her. "Shhhh Yuka it's ok,.......I love you as long as I'm here we don't need your father" Naruto said as he brought Yuka up and aat her down on his lap. Yuka wiped the tears in her eyes and asked her mother "mom did you ever loved father". Naruto blushed a little bit and answered "w-will yes". Yuka smiled at the thought of might having her family whole again.

Iruka came in with cut shaped bunny apples and a glass of milk for Yuka.

With Sasuke
"Uchiha-sama I have your information about Mr namikaze-uzumaki" sai said as he walked through the door to see a girl in Sasuke's lap making out with Sasuke.

Sasuke sighed and said "right hand me the papers" as he signal the girl he was making out with to leave.

Naruto namikaze-uzumaki's record (so far)

Birth date: October 10 1983 (random year)

Born In :japan


Family: Minato namikaze, Kushina uzumaki,Karin uzumaki,Nagato uzumaki,Tsunade pervy sage Yuka uchiha (uzumaki)

High school he went to: konoha high

Elementary school:Welic elementary

Talent: can do almost anything

-Lived in America for 5 years
-once married to |unknown|
-heir to the N.U. company

Sasuke was confused of why the father of Yuka and Narutos husband's name was unknown and is determined to find out. "Sai find me the husband of namikaze-uzumaki Naruto" said groaned and said "ugh....fine" as he walked out.

Thx for reading
(Excuse ma flaws)°~°

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