not related to the story

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Hey guys Misa here so it's a special occasion because it's Naruto b-day and so I'm making this one-shot. It is not related to the main story.

It was New year's Eve.
Naruto was walking to ichiruka (don't know how to spell that XD) ramen when he notice Sakura was standing there like she was waiting for some one. Naruto is always alone on New year's Eve because Iruka is spending it with kakashi sensie. Naruto got to the ramen shop and was pulled by Sakura and hear her yelling "COME ON NARUTO WERE GONNA GO AND HAVE FUN!!" she said while giggling.
Sakura and ino are dating. They have been dating ever since highschool.

Sakura brought Naruto to neji's house for New year's Eve to play mafia. Little did they know Naruto has a huge surprise waiting for him.
"I'mma go to the bathroom ok?" Sakura said and then she was gone.

With Sakura
Saku - hey yo Sasuke is the preparation ready yet???I can't keep him distracted for long dude ino's waiting for me

Sasu - ya almost done bring him at the cherry blossoms tree at 11 : 45

Saku - k

Sakura leaves the bathroom and signals neji the plan and neji understood. It was 11:35 Naruto said "hey I gotta get home its really late now ya know?". Naruto got up to leave but was pulled by Sakura. "What now sakura-chan" Naruto said. "Wait we have one more thing left to do please" Sakura said desperately. Naruto sighed and said "fine....". To reach the cherry blossom tree it took a 10 minute walk. "Naruto let's walk to the cherry blossom tree" Sakura said dragging Naruto with her leaving neji's house. "Fine fine fine....".

When Naruto and Sakura got up to the tree there were fairy lights hanging around it was beautiful. Without noticing Sakura ran off and left Naruto alone in awe. After awhile Naruto then notice Sakura was gone. "Sakura??" Naruto said looking around. Naruto turned around to see Sasuke looking at the clueless blond. "O-oh hey Sasuke have you see Sakura?" Naruto asked. Sasuke then grabbed naruto's hand and held it. "Will you go out with me.... Naruto" Sasuke said making Naruto blush. "S-sorry what??" Naruto said. "Will you go out with me"Sasuke said giving Naruto a heart warming smile. "A-ah I-i don't know I've never really thought about being in a relationship before". Naruto was blushing madly. It was now 11:59 almost 12:00. Sasuke smirked and pulled Naruto into a kiss. 12:00. " Will you please go out with me I have loved you ever since highschool" Naruto nodded yes and blushed more than he have ever have in his whole life. Sasuke pulled Naruto into a hugged and said

            "Happy New year,love"

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