Broken Phone (not a story)

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So.............hey guys Misa here and well I've recently just broke my phone and probably wont update as often but thank god i have a laptop and,will this all happened because when i came home from stockton to my room with all my school supply and art tools every because of MY FUCKING STEP BROTHER AND MOM CANT DO SHIT CAUSE "he's too young" YOUNG MY ASS!!!!!!. Anyway that's all i wanted to say i am really mad and will i guess this is probably the first time i handle broken device this will. Like what I'm trying to say is id cried myself to sleep because of situations like this and appearantly i cant seem to keep a phone for even a year without my parents breaking it so fuck them and their spoiled brats even though i was the one who broke my phone but this all wouldn't have happen thanks to my FUCKING STEP BROTHER CHAD. THANKS ALOT YA BRAT.

Anyway sorry i wont be updating as much and this goes for the rest of my stories.


and just saying i wont lie when i say i hate my family

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