Can try to forgive through broken heart beats,
shall never truly forget unimaginable deceit;
forever stinging effects by those affectionate songs,
always maintained inkling mine didn't belong,
was I who took the step to lose cruelly godawful moron;
bare-foot, sink-down –
head just one second below swank filled river sound;
drown sorrows before past versions combine firing squadron,
partake in ambitious charms sparked by cauldron;
In-take fear as overwhelming darts adrenaline strong,
impinge screaming monsters' roar no thought how long,
mounting skies scoop up dust foregone –
So, this is how it feels letting it all become bygones.
See.... sunlight can get brighter every now and awhile,
once on the other side of traumatic storms revile,
you'll find enough of one's elusive smile....
left about from lengthy defile;
at any time,
dreams do reconcile,
trust in eyes –
should try to forgive through broken heart beats,
you will never truly forget unimaginable deceit,
yet.... doesn't translate to a forever means.
Between an Antidote & a Dreary Phase
ПоэзияMy second Edition of a variety of Poetry feelings. For all the support and encouragements you all share with me - I do humbly appreciate all that you say and do. The feeling I get when another writer comments, or votes is imperial to how I interr...