Chapter 9 (Being pregnant)

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"Urrghh... Malik nothing fits me!"

Zainab came out of the bedroom half dressed to the living room where Malik is working on his computer.
It's the weekend and both of them were at home all day if not for now that they'll be going to the hospital for doctor's appointment.
Zainab is getting ready but it seems like she can't find something fitting to wear,most of her clothes don't fit anymore because of the extra weight she added and she's getting frustrated about it now... well thanks to pregnancy hormones,she thought.

Malik looked at his wife and shut his computer, he came standing in front of his provoked wife ,held her by the shoulders and led her to the bedroom where he'll help her choose an outfit from her closet full of clothes. He always wonders why ladies complain of having less clothes when their closet is always full of clothes.
He helped her sit down on the bed "Calm down,we'll get you something that fits to wear in a few and off we go" he said patting her cheeks.

"Thank you habiby" she kissed the palm of his hands.
She watched as he starts to rummage through her heap of clothes searching for something fitting for her to wear. She smiled internally and thank Allah for such loving and supportive husband. It wouldn't have been easier if he is otherwise.
Finally he dramatically pulled out a loose casual dark blue Elie Saab gown,smiling "tada.. here's what'll do the magic,it's loose and it's light,see" he said giving it to her.
She finally agreed that she'll wear the gown. Malik helped her dress up, she wrapped her veil and finished dressing up. And they're all set to go see the doctor after which they'll be going to Malik's parent's home where they'll stay until dinner.

"Your wife and baby are in good condition, but i will recommend that Mrs Zainab cut off on sugary foods or any glucose high food for the end of the first trimester."  The doctor said after checking Zainab's blood pressure.
Zainab was just sitting silently as Malik and the doctor talked.
"Sure in shaa Allah... what sort of food do you recommend would be suitable for her doctor?" Malik questioned curiously.

"I recommend protein containing meals,more water and vegetables,your caffeine intake should be minimal if possible should be stopped,fruit consumption should be minimal too as too much vitamin C can or may trigger abortion or early miscarriages . And please do not stress yourself much because pregnant women are prone to high blood pressure " the doctor answered looking at Zainab through the rim of his glasses.

"Sure doctor i will be careful in shaa Allah" Zainab answered with a small smile.

They left the hospital and set out to go to Malik's parent's home.

"I can't believe I'll have to quit caffeine... ya Allah.. i can't start a day without my cup of coffee." Zainab whined inside the car.

"It's going to be fine Zain,atleast by the beginning of your second trimester,things will be stable and you'll be back to normal hopefully " Malik said bringing her hands in his hands with his other hand on the steering wheel.
"Look who's talking... when do you know much about being pregnant like this ?" Zainab questioned trying to supress the smile forming on her face

"Well.. we are pregnant,what do you expect, I've done my research " Malik chuckled making Zainab laugh hard throwing her head back.

They pulled up in front of Malik's home and the guard opened the gate for them with a friendly smile seeing Malik and Zainab.
They greeted with the guard and headed inside the house.
"Assalamualaikum maama" Malik hugged his mother.
"Ah waalaikumussalam Malik" she hugged him back
"And there's Zain" Malik's mother clapped her hands happily.
Zainab felt shy hearing Malik's mom call her Zain as Malik calla her.

"Assalamualaikum ammi" Zainab greeted her mother in law.
She returned her salam and gave her a motherly hug.
"The twins are back for holidays?" Malik asked of his  siblings who are not technically twins but because of the one year gap between them,the whole family calls them twins.
"Yes Maryam is back for summer holidays but Fawwaz is starting his mid semester exams soon.

Maryam,the youngest of the house came into the living room greeting Malik and Zainab. Zainab was suprised to see how tall she has grown.
"Well she'll be going to university soon, baby is all grown up" Malik said teasing his youngest sister.
"I'm not a baby anymore Yaya Malik" Maryam pouted
"Yes you are... i can hear you,besides i still help you dress up every morning" their mother called from the kitchen making every one laugh.
"How's school Maryam? I haven't seen you in a long while.

"It's fine Alhamdulillah sis" Maryam answered as she stood to enter the kitchen and help set the table for dinner.
Zainab offered to help but Malik's mum insisted that she need not to besides she needs some rest.
Malik has joined his father and Na'im his brother in the other living room where they're watching El classico match together.
Soon dinner was finished and the table was set just as the adhan for maghrib prayer was called.
Malik with his father and brother all went out to the mosque near their home to pray while the ladies prayed in the bedrooms.

After Maghrib prayer,they all set out to eat on the dinning table. Na'im teasing Maryam about how she couldn't cook like their mother does. Zainab just admires how happy they all are with each other and they remind her so much of her own family... oh how she misses her Mama and Baba, Aaliya and her youngest brother Naseer.
The sound of Malik's phone ringing distracted her from her thoughts and she saw him pick his phone and excused himself to answer the call. She heard him talking but she couldn't decipher what he was saying.  All she heard was him saying "I'll be there in a few" as he hang up the call. He came back to the dinning room and excused himself that he needs to handle something and he'll be back soon. His mum insisted that he finishes his food atleast but he said he can't. 
He left the dinning room in a hurry and left them all wondering what made him leave in a hurry like this.
Zainab felt her stomach churn seeing her husband like this,she immediately felt her appetite drop and she couldn't eat anymore.

Salam lovelies, thank you for reading this chapter in spite of all the flaws in it. I know you'll keep wondering who called Malik and why did he leave in such a hurry?.. well that's for me to know and for you to find out in the next chapter. 
Until then,vote,share and comment please. I do love and appreciate feedbacks. Stay blessed xx. ❤

In the media attached is the photo of the loose Elie Saab gown Malik picked for Zainab.

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