Chapter 60 (Labour pains)

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Ah guys this is a bonus chapter for you all . Some amazing readers kept sending me messages requesting that i write about Zain's childbirth . So tada here goes nothing... anything for y'all cupcakes. Btw TLIMM is ranking #194 in spiritual after ranking in the romance category for weeks. Thanks to everyone of you again,much love.

Zain adjusted herself to a more comfortable position on the sofa resting her legs on the table in front of her as she dipped her hand in the bag of chips she was munching on which was resting on her big protruding tummy. The TV was on but the truth is she wasn't interested in what was showing on the tv,she got tired to flipping through channels and finally settled on a children's channel showing Dora the explorer animation. For some odd reason she smiled to herself and seems to be enjoying it. She raised her gaze to the clock plastered on the wall,it was almost midnight and Malik isn't back home yet. He had called her earlier in the day informing her that he will be staying late as he's choked up with work at the office.

'But it's getting too late and i can't sleep without cuddling next to him.'

'Well you gotta grow some big girl panties and sleep alone tonight because he ain't back yet'.

She immediately shakes off the inner monlogue going on in her head. She seems to be having much of that lately. She stuffed a handful of the chips in her mouth and chewed in a quite unladylike loud manner but she couldn't bring herself to care. Glancing at her phone she tossed on the couch adjacent to where she was seated and she extended her hand to get it. With a triumphant sigh,she gave up because she couldn't reach the phone and she was too comfortable in her position to get up and get it. So she gave up on calling Malik to hear where he was. Minutes later, she dozed off in a slumber with the tv still on.

Malik quickly strided out of the meeting room and fished his phone from the pocket of his slacks. He dialed her number and clicked on the call button, to his dismay the call wasn't answered. His heart jolted in his chest immediately thinking that something has happened to his wife that she wasn't answering her calls.

'What if she's currently in labour you jerk,you left her all by herself you selfish prick.'

He mentally cursed himself as he walked in large strides to his office to get his belongings and head home. He had wanted to be home earlier so he could be with her while he worked from home but Zain insisted that he should stay in the office because she might distract him with her demands.

"Excuse me sir,you haven't signed these documents."

A voice called out distracting Malik from what he was doing. He glanced in the direction and saw his secretary, a young adult not more than 22 years of age fresh from the university was making his way with a file of papers nearly arranged in his hands.

"Adam,i will handle those tomorrow. Right now, i need to leave because it's too late and i have got a heavily pregnant wife at home who is not answering her calls now which makes me wonder if she's already in labour or something worst has happened to her."

Malik babbled hastily picking up his blazer from the hanger an making his way out of the office without waiting for Adam's response.

"I hope all is well sir,see you tomorrow then."

Adam followed behind him and Malik responded with a nod of his head and a manly clap on Adam's shoulder.

"You're probably tired too,get some rest Adam. See you!."

And with that,he entered his car and started the ignition driving with speed to his home.

In half an hour,he was home and he rushed out of the car slamming the door behind him with a loud thud. Entering the living room,the sight of Zain sleeping soundly on the sofa with the TV still on made his nerves calm. He released a sigh and walked further in turning the TV off. He plopped down on the sofa beside Zain tiredly pulling her legs and placing them on his laps as he began to massage her swollen feet. Being a light sleeper as she is,her eyes fluttered open at the sudden feel of touch to her feet.

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