Chapter 56 (Another chance?)

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Hello guys.. so we're only like 3 or 4 chapters away from the ending of TLIMM. Who's going to miss it? Well i will deff miss writing about them for real. A huge shout out goes to (aysha_stores) for being the first commenter on the previous chapter.
As much as she hated to admit it,Aaliyah was right but she can not keep holding on to the past like a souvenir,she had already made her choice and now is not the time to be rolling back what had happened before.

As soon as the car came to a halt she bolted out walking away into the house slamming the door behind her. Aaliyah felt a pang of guilt for choosing this critical moment to throw those words in her sister's face,but then again the truth has to be told as crude as it is. No sugar coating whatsoever and as much as she feels bad,she's glad she has got it out of her chest.

"How is he?".
Zain's mother asked with a baffled expression on her face seeing how Zain came into the house with a tear stained face.

"It's bad maama,so bad.."
Zain said meekly as a tear escaped her eyes which she quickly wiped away sitting on the sofa.

"He will get well by Allah's willing. Don't worry too much Zain".

Her mother said feeling sympathetic seeing her daughter in such emotional turmoil.

"I pray so Mama,i pray so".

Zain muttered under her breath. With Aaliyah's outburst earlier on their way home,she couldn't help but feel torn between two walls. What if all of her family members think the same way of Malik as Aaliyah?

A nudge on her shoulder got her out of her trance and she quickly averted her gaze to Aaliyah's outstretched hand with a cup of frozen yoghurt.

"Here your favourite,you were so lost in thought you didn't even hear me talking".
She said,her voice somewhat apologetic as she sat in a chair across Zain.

"Oh thanks Aaliyah".

Silence enveloped them afterwards until Aaliyah spoke again.

"Zain,i am really sorry about my reaction earlier. It was uncalled for and you didn't deserve such from me at this critical moment. I am just too pained and too angry seeing you become a victim of circumstance. But despite that i am deeply sorry,i shouldn't have done what i did earlier".

"It's okay Aaliyah. I forgive you because i have realised that been stuck in the past and holding on to it will not solve any of my underlying issues. I just want you to understand that i am willing to forgive Malik for all that happened not because of the state he is currently in at the hospital, but because of the person he is. Despite all odds,he is a good person. I hope you understand that and help me through this ".

"Yes i will. I pray Malik recovers soon".

"I pray too. Thank you".

Zain said swirling the spoon in her cup with an assuring smile to her sister silently praying that Malik makes it out of there alive.

The day passed by uneventful with each day of her losing hope in him little by little. Stopping by the hospital before and after working hours has become a daily routine to her hoping that Malik makes it out of the intensive care room, but the news is always the same. He is responding to treatment, slowly. It took her the little faith left in her and emotional support from both her family and Malik's family to keep her going.

"Have you slept at all? Zain you look so unkempt".

Munira stated seeing Zain's appearance. Her eyes looked tired with dark bags under them from lack of adequate sleep.

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