Chapter 53 (Stay put)

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Hello guys.. long time no see.. i missed y'all really. TLIMM is gradually coming to an end guysss.. with less than 10 chapters left. Idk guys i don't want to lie so i am not gonna be precise on the number of chapters left for us. A huge shout out goes to (MelanieHall964) for being the first commenter. Thank you sweetheart 💕
Zain scrunched up her nose deep in a monologue. For the past two days she had been trying to come up with an idea on how to get in contact with Malik. She had been dreading the idea of her going to her former in laws' house asking for their son's contact after all she had put him through. She couldn't help but wonder why Malik decided to accept the offer to move away when he had told her several times long before they even got married about him that he had declined several offers to move away because he had always wanted his children to be familiar with both of their families according to him. Remembering this in her head,her stomach churned making her heart palpitate faster in her chest because the only reason he had changed his mind would be he has given up on her,he is tired of fighting for her and he doesn't want her anymore which explains why he's so far away from home now in another world. She suddenly felt a sharp poke on her right arm and couldn't help but wince as the pain travelled down her body. Looking up in annoyance she threw a glare at Munira.

She questions slightly irritated running her left hand over her arm to ease the pain.

"I have been here for the past five minutes and you haven't noticed my presence not even when i called your name. So i had to use the pen on your desk to poke you maybe that way you'll come around and oh.. you did".

She finished with a shrug.

"What is it? Why are you in my office because it's not yet lunch.."
She didn't finishe what she was about to say as Munira put her phone in her face almost slamming it on her nose causing Zain to jerk back her head immediately.

"It's time babe!  Now get up and let's go get some food to feed on".

Munira chirped not caring that her statement sounded like they're predators looking for a prey to launch on.

Zain finally gave up and stood with a loud sigh. She was already drained and exhausted from overthinking things. She grabbed her back and followed Munira out of the office straight to lunch. The truth is she had wanted to skip lunch because of her lack of appetite and no food seem to appeal to her these days but she knew damn well that Munira will not take No for an answer. So she kept on the act but not for too long before Munira noticed.

"What's up pretty face?"

Munira asked looking at Zain inquisitively.

"I can't stop thinking about him and how to reach out to him. It's stupid of me to be crawling back to the person that has hurt me the most but i can't control myself anymore".

"You want to give him another chance,forgive him and move forward? "

Munira asked with a fixed stare studying her.

"As idiotic as that sounds it's a yes. I am willing to forgive him,it may not be right away but i know eventually i will get to the bottom of it gradually. I want to move on but i can't picture myself and my life moving on without him. I am so weak and stupid and ...."

"Woah woah stop right there Zain! You think you are weak because you're willing to do what you think is best for you? Let me tell you,it takes a strong person to forgive those who hurt them,it takes being a bigger person to actally put yourself in the shoes of the ones who hurt you and consider giving them another chance even though you haven't healed completely. You are not weak,you're not stupid but you are a strong woman with a wise head on her shoulder. I am glad to see that you are coming around and the anger is starting to radiate off of you. You've hold on for too long Zain and i think now is the time to decide and move past everything with or without him. And if he doesn't want another life with you,then i say his loss because he  will be losing a good strong resilient  woman, a rare gem for the second time of his life".

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