Chapter 36 (Suspicions)

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Hey guys how are we all.. i am not gonna say too much but a big fat shoutout goes to my first commenter on the previous chapter which happens to be (veena97ravi). Thanks sweetheart for always being  an active reader of #TLIMM. Here goes chapter 36 guysss...
Zain looked at Malik through the side of her eyes and felt a sinking feeling from her gut. She couldn't tell what brought about this funny feeling that she can't put a finger on whether it's fear or just her being paranoid. They were in the sitting room seated on a sofa, well technically Malik was seated while Zain was laying on his laps. She was watching her favourite tv show but Malik seem to not be interested in it as he had his eyes on his phone tapping on it continuously for a long time now. Zain has noticed how close and the more attention he has been giving on his phone lately,he seems so engrossed almost all the time that he has his eyes on his phone. Her mind drifted to other chain of thoughts which happen to be so negative as she adjusted her position on top of him causing him to look at her questionably.
"Hey you okay?" He asked his eyes raking over her tenderly.

She hesitated before she spoke,but then again his attention was all she needed so why not use it wisely now that she's got it.

"Your mind is somewhere else in that phone... i wonder what i am doing here with you".
She said with a pout. His lips tugged as a smirk formed on them making her eyebrows furrow at him and her childish pout deepen even more.
"My mind is right here with you i didn't want to talk too much while you're watching your favourite show".
He whispered in her ear as if they're not alone as he turned her to face him while he pecked her on the lips and planted a kiss to her forehead. He felt her relax under his touch and he found himself grinning at the effect he had on her.
"I just hope it's not some other woman distracting you in that phone" . She said teasingly with a sigh but Malik's heart dropped at what she said but he quickly masked it off to conceal the look of suspence that was trying to make it's way to his face to not confirm her suspicion even though she was saying it teasingly. Because surely he was texting Amal at that time. He texted Amal a quick message saying he will talk to her later as he put the phone on the coffe table raising his hands up at Zain in mock surrender.
"I have put it away,happy now?"
He said looking at her with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Yeah happy that's better". Zain responded as she snuggled up on him burying her head in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms securely around her to keep her in place as she heaved a long dramatic sigh.
"Lil attention seeker"... he mumbled almost to himself.

"I heard you". She pinched his shoulders.

"Yeah it was meant to be heard "
He said dryly wincing as she pinched his shoulders again. a user

"Whatever i want my man's attention on me ". She mumbled her voice ruffled by his body against her face making him chuckle.
It's the weekend and both of them happen to be at home but Zain felt homesick today,so she had plan on visiting her parents' place. She hurriedly came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel  after taking a long shower with water dripping from her hair. Malik was seated on the bedside with his laptop as he finish up some work that he came home with from his office. She passed by him as his eyes raked over her entire form with a grin forming on his face. She stood in front of the dresser with a hairdryer in her hand as she plugged it to the socket. She looked at him through the and caught his eyes trained on her.
"What?" She said with an eyeroll as she began to dry her hair.

"I don't want you to leave me all by myself today". He said with a pout.

"Don't be a big baby... i will be back in no time". She replied him with a snort.

"Fine finish up in time so i take you ". He responded as he turned off his laptop and walked to the dresser taking the hairdryer from her grip as he began to help her dry it up.

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