Chapter 6 (Marital life)

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Back to their home after their beautiful honeymoon or "escape from the real world" as Zain described it much to Malik's amusement.  It was sunday  and both of them will be resumimg to their work places on Monday as early as 8 sharp. Luckliy for them both, they got home on friday and had the whole weekend to themselves to rid themselves of the jetlag and get in the office vibe already.

"I can't believe our honeymoon  is over and I'll have to go to work this monday" ,Zain pouted her lips.

"We can just ignore and sleep in then. Isn't that tempting?" Malik said brushing  lips slightly on her pouted lips. Her lips stretched into a grin matching his.

"Yeah so the bills can pay themselves. Another awesome plan from my talented husband". Zain said with sarcasm.

Malik only shrugged with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You can't blame me. Isn't my fault that i wanna be with my wife all the time".

Zain only snorted and pushed pass him to get the ingredients for dinner from the fridge.
They made dinner together and ate after praying Maghrib and Isha.

"I have some calls to make,emails to return and also a report to work on". Malik informed Zain as he was helping her clean up after they ate.

"Then go before the night gets too late" she shooed him out of the kitchen.

"Eager to get rid of me that fast huh!" He teased as he got to his phone to do what he was supposed to do.

An hour later,they were in  the living room with Malik  working on his report from the conference he attended in Dubai and replying some emails. Zain on the other hand was seated by his side on the couch  checking her Instagram feed as she didn't  have much to do and has still not fallen asleep.

Soon she started dozing off to sleep on the couch. Malik looks at her sleeping form and thought he should wake her up to go to the bedroom and sleep as she doesn't look comfortable on the couch.
"Zain habibty,wake up" he tapped her gently. She stirred and open her eyes a little then goes back to sleep again. He laughed a little at how soon she had fallen asleep and scooped her up to take her to the bedroom.
There,she woke up and he helped her change and tucked her in. As he was leaving the room he heard her sleepy raspy voice

"You know I've gotten used to sleeping in your arms,and now you want to leave me here all by myself", she pouted like a kid who wanted his favourite candy. He gave a little laugh at her dramatic attitude and walked to the bedside where he sits and hold her hand

"i don't want to be working and interrupting  your sleep that's why,beautiful not that I'm leaving you all by yourself,but if you'd like i can work here with you" ,he said  smoothing her thick hair that's already became messy from sleeping.

She nodded at him as a sign of approval for him to bring up his laptop and work from the room.
"Let me get my things then", he grinned  exiting the room to get what he needs for his work. He worked with Zain sleeping by his side,each time he looked at her sleeping form he just can't help but smile and adore her more.  Soon he finished up with his report and laid down with Zain gathered in his arms. She stirred a little adjusting herself to him.


The next morning as early as five after subh prayer,Zain made sure to fix some breakfast for them in time and managed to slip into shower immidiately,she helped Malik get ready for work as he'll be leaving earlier than her and his office is about a 30 minutes drive from their home while her office is a little more close to their home than his.
"Have a good day at work husband ", she said as she finishes tying his tie and smoothing the collar of his shirt.
He was wearing a pair grey suit with a white crisp shirt under and a black tie.

Suits being one of the outfits that perfectly fit him she thought as she looks at him all set to go combing his hair back in the front of the mirror.
"Have a wonderful day at work too beautiful " he winked at her reflection in the mirror.
She rose to her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. They walked together to his car    and she watched as her enters and starts his car to leave.
"Be safe i love you!" She blew him kisses.
"I love you more" he replied as his car leaves their house.
She entered back to the house to clean everything up and dress up for work too. She feels like it's her first day of work completely... well kind of since  it's her first day at work as Mrs.,she thought.
   She finally got ready in a simple casual green gown with some flats. She wrapped her head in a black scarf and took her phone and car keys with her as she puts them in her bag. She checked in the rooms to make sure every door is locked and switched off every appliance on her way out. She locked the house, got into her brand new car bought by her Baba as her wedding gift and made her way to her office witha happy face.
She reached her office in time and her colleagues greeted her with a cheerful smile. Some were congratulating her as they weren't able make it to the wedding ceremony.

"And there she is!" she heard the familiar voice of her most favourite person in the office and her best friend Munira.

"Aww Munni i so much missed you" she hugged her bestfriend.

"No you didn't from the look of it,look how you glowing " Munira teased her as they all laughed. Munira walked her to her office and left with the agreement that they'll meet at lunch break.
The phone on her desk rang and she knows for sure it's work calling. She picks up and hears the familiar voice of her boss greeting her and congratulating her.
"Thank you sir " she said from the other side.
"Well you're welcome back new Mrs Zainab ,there are some files that need to be worked on here in my office. I'll send my Secretary down with them to your office".

Mr Hassan her boss said in a work-like voice.

"Yes sir". Zain replied back as he ended the call. It's going to be a long day she thought as the Secretary came in with a heap of files in his hands and dropped them at Zain's desk.
"Thank you Mrs Philips" she smiled as the lady smiled back at her and exited the office.

Malik arrived at his office and was soon greeted with hugs and manly shakes from his colleagues welcoming him back and congratulating him too.
He made his way to his office and plugged his laptop to cross check the report he'll be presenting at their meeting at 10'clock.  He heard a knock at his door and ordered the person knocking to come in. He knows it's Jameel his secretary not until he heard it wasn't the familiar voice of the young man. Wondering if they had hired a new staff while he was away and what the person behind the voice had to do in his office as early as that.
"AssalamuAlaikum  good morning, I'm your new Secretary... my name's Amal Mahmoud" she said a bit hesitantly and laid back.

"Waalaikumussalam " he said, the surprise and confusion evident in his voice.

Why does it have to be a lady?.. he wondered.  After all he didn't request for a new Secretary. Jameel has been a  committed young man dedicated to his work. He kept that thought aside and got his documents ready for his meeting. He'll deal with the issue of a secretary later as he had much on his plate at that moment.

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