Chapter 19 (The Fundraiser)

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Her body ached due to going up and down from one office to another running errands. Her tiredness and lack of adequate sleep made obvious from the dark circles underneath her eyes.

It's a day to the fundraiser,an important event that management of the company organizes annually to raise money from donations by top influential people for the purpose of helping the needy and less privileged. The achievements and challenges encountered by this prestigious company are being highlighted at that event too.

Amal had been very busy for the past 5 days. She had been making calls and going up to the venue to ensure that the decorations,chairs and tables have been arranged in order. And that enough chairs have been provided. The theatre was actually very big making their work more time consuming.
Together with Amal,every other member of the Fundraiser planning committee had been very busy with their own portion of work.

"I think these banners should go a little up to make them more visible".

Amal spoke to one of the decorators.

"Here's some chilled strawberry smoothie for Hameedah". She heard a voice say from behind her. Even without turning she knew who that voice belongs to,no one other than Faisal. Besides he's the only person here who calls her by her second name. Smiling,she turned around and took the cup of smoothie from him.

"That's so nice of you Faisal,thank you so much. I needed this".
She sat in one of the chairs and began to sip her smoothie.

They had grown to be close in a short period of time. Faisal,being the friendly and jovial person he is has made it possible for her to be free with him.

"You're welcome ma'am".
He answered with a grin.

"These past few days have been hectic,i am always tired by default".
He added sitting on the podium.

"I agree with you,i promise after this fundraiser, i'll take a break and treat myself just right. Haven't been myself for atleast a week now ".

"Well you don't, the policy of this company is after every fundraiser or any major event,the planning committee members are allowed to take a one week break. So lucky you."

Faisal responded chuckling.

"That's super awesome, i just can't wait then". She said as she threw the empty cup of smoothie in the trash bin.

"Well then i gotta go see how the equipments installation is going on,catch you later". Faisal stood and headed to where the sound and lightning equipments are been installed.

"Alright later Faisal ". She got back to her work too.

At his office,Malik has been choked up with work too. Being the one in charge in making everything goes right with the fundraiser preparation,he surely had enough on his plate at the moment. His office had been flooding with different people lately including prominent people,he had attended about three meetings from morning to afternoon. He had seen how busy Amal had been,so made her bring his schedule to him. That way it'll be easy for him to keep in track the meetings and other activities he is to engage in without needing her assistance. He has noticed how tired she's been,with the dark circles and gloomy face due to stress as such he didn't want to add more to her stress even though she's his secretary and it's her job to handle his schedule.
He got out of his office to head to the big theatre where all arrangement for tomorrow's fundraiser is happening to see how everything is going on.
She was the first person he spotted spreading table clothes over the tables. He smiled inwardly at her sight,she's really dedicated to whatever she does and that's one thing he admires about her. He went up to see how the installation of lights and sound equipments is going on. There he met Faisal and some of his colleagues from the Engineering department working on it.

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