Chapter 26 (Distance)

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Salam #TLIMMsquad. It's a pleasure to meet y'all again in this chapter. Thanks to everyone of you for your comments. I really appreciate from my heart. A huge shoutout goes to my first commenter on the previous chapter which is (NurdinijenniferAbdul),i really appreciate you lovely,thank you for the support. I hope you enjoy the chapter beautiful people 😘❤💕.
To say Zain was lonely and missing Malik is an understatement, the house  doesn't feel like home anymore with him not around always by her side. Boredom has become a friend to her,all she does is go to work,come back home,eat and maybe watch the news. Not that she doesn't  communicate with Malik on regular basis,but the more the days pass,the more she feels his absence. She seems very paranoid about his trip,she just prays he comes back to her safely because if something should happen to him,she wouldn't know how she would cope with it. She gave a deep sigh as she parked her car in the garage and got out of it. She just got back from work and it has been a very tiring and stressful day. She unlocked the door and entered the house,took off her shoes,slipped out of the long black gown she wore and lay on the couch to relax before finding something to eat from the kitchen later. Not that she has any urge to eat,honestly it's like Malik has taken everything with him to Vegas,even her appetite as she barely eats much food now. Something suddenly stuck her and she immidiately rose to sitting position and took out her phone from her bag. Yes, she's going to call him on face time. She knew about the difference in time zone as it's midnight now in Vegas and Malik's probably asleep but she needed to see her husband,and talk with him. Missing him is doing an excellent job at screwing her up and it seems like she's going insane but who cares. So she called,the first attempt went in vain and her thoughts immidiately went to him sleeping,so she kept on trying as Malik is not really a deep sleeper,thanks to that. On the third attempt,he answered and   a wide grin instantly made it's way to her face. Ofcourse he was sleeping as he looked all sleepy with his voice in a slur like tone. He immidiately sat up and plugged in his earphones.
"Whats up Hayati... How's my you doing? ".

He questioned with a weak smile on his face. She suddenly felt guilty for waking him up at this time but the happiness of talking to him overpowered the guilt she was feeling.

"I miss youuuuu".

"The house is just to big for me now,i sleep alone not in your arms.. It's horrible Malik. You've taken everything with you,even my appetite. Please come back soon habiby ".

She whined with a pout on her full lips. He was looking at her with a smile on his face,he rubbed the sleep off his eyes and began to console his Zain. The truth is he misses her terribly too just as she misses him.

"You know i badly miss you more... I'll be home soon by Allah's will okay, we will be rounding up the workshop tomorrow,closing party the next day and after that,i will be home with you,all for you".

Hearing Malik spoke gave her consolation and got her grinning from ear to ear,three days seemed far but atleast there's an assurance that she'll get to be with her husband in three days time.

"Sorry for waking you up with my rants habiby,why don't you go back to sleep we can talk tomorrow Allah's willing ".

Zain spoke but Malik cut her off with a chuckle.
"Nah i needed the call babe,wanted to call earlier but you were in the middle of working ".
He responded.
"So have we eaten anything today?"
He questioned crossing his arms to his chest. He has noticed a little decline in her weight,if not for her complaining of losing her appetite for food,he would've thought she fell sick through the whole week.

"No,i am not in the mood for food".

"Come on hayati, eat something. For me.. Please ".
He pleaded putting up his best with a puppy dog eyes makig her laugh.

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