Chapter 51 (Forgiveness)

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Hey you amazing people how are we all? Another chapter yay and let's see what it will make or break of Zain and Malik with Amal out of the picture now. A huge shoutout goes to  (MaymunahMustapha) for being the first commenter on the previous chapter. Thank you beautiful ❤
Days passed by in a blur as time waited for no one. Malik looked through the papers in front of him wondering if the decision he's about to make will be the best in making or breaking him. The truth is he didn't care as far as it takes him somewhere apart from where he is now. Ever since she left,the little hope in things becoming better has been crushed in him. Everything feels entirely new for him as if he hadn't been here for years, becoming more detached to the place with every passing day and hence the necessity of agreeing that what he needed is an entirely new environment or maybe an entirely new life. Sometimes it takes starting all over to again because the previous damages were too severe to repair.
Without listening any further to the smallest part of him telling him to stay and not leave,he signed up papers in a haste releasing a sigh he had been holding since.
He called on his new P.A,a young guy probably in his early twenties and not an expert on what he does,but was willing to learn fast and adapt.
"I need a print out of these".
He said handing him the papers.

"Yes sir and congratulations on your new appointment ".

"Thank you". Malik responded curtly with a nod.

The guy took the papers from his grasp and walked out imimidiately. It's been difficult to focus at work with the thought of her constantly overtaking his mind. Every time he passed by the door to her office,he felt the dull ache inside him and the hole in his heart growing deeper.
Walking with an empty heart to and from places that reminded him of what he'd lost is his daily routine now,and he'll be lying to himself to say that he is used to it. Turning off his  computer and flipping it close with exaspareted sigh, he grabbed his keys and phone he walked out of the office locking the door behind him. These days,he spends the rest of his day after work hours close at his parents' home or sometimes at a friend's because there wasn't anyone to go back home to and the memories that the house carry are not doing him any good as such it's nothing more than a crashing place for him now,or in another case another office as he spends most of his nights choking himself with work. That has been his only distraction from the harsh reality he is in.

The drive to his parents' home was not very long considering how he drove at high speed. He pulled up and made his way inside the quiet house. 
"AssalamuAlaikum "
He pushed through the door poking his head as his father averted his gaze from the newspaper in his grasp to Malik's direction with a smile on his face. He wished he could do something to help his son out of his current situation but then again sometimes you need to help yourself  first because it's only you who can pick up the broken pieces and fix them.

"Wa'alaikumussalam Malik come on in".

His father said beckoning him with his hand. Malik stepped in after removing his shoes stepping on the soft carpet.

"You just dropping by from office?".
His father asked studying him.

"Yes Baba. I came to tell you about my new appointment ".
Malik answered.

"Oh that's great news Ma shaa Allah. Congratulations son". His father beamed with a proud smile plastered on his face.

"But i will be transferring to our headquaters in Canada Baba".
Malik blurted watching the smile falter from his father's face.

"Oh Canada that's far away. "
The old man said in assimilating what his son just told him.

Malik nodded.
"Yes i think it's what i need right now".

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