Chapter 25 (Opening up)

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Salam #TLIMMsquad how are we all? Hope you've loved the last chapter and tbh i loved and appreciated every of your comments. My special shout out goes to my first commenter on the previous chapter and it's  (@veena97ravi). I really appreciate you lovely. We will be having more of #Amalik moments in this chapter y'all... things are getting pretty deep and feelings are coming out. Hehhe. Hope you'll enjoy this chapter and yes a huge shoutout will go to the first person to comment on this chapter in the next. Love y'all and enjoy😘

She wasn't used to discussing about herself to anyone. It has become more of a habit for her to keep everything bottled up inside her,so she's finding all this weird and new and creepy if she may add. The sound of him clearing his throat brought her back from her riverie.

"If you're not comfortable with it Amal it's okay. We can talk about something else or maybe nothing. "

He shrugged folding his hands to his chest. She really wanted to do this,to tell him who she is and what she's made of,but her inner issues ain't letting her.
"No it's fine.. just that i am not used to talking about myself,so i don't know where to start."

She spoke looking at his eyes shinning through the light.

"Fine i will give you a hint,maybe start with myself. You know the way i asked made it seem like an interview or something.  It's not at all Amal,remember we are teammates here. It's just a normal talk where we'll get to know each other more. "

He finished looking at her assuringly with a gentle smile playing on his face. He has seen uneasiness evident on her face and the last thing he wanted was to make her feel uneasy or tensed around him. All he needed to know is the person who he's slowly falling for.

"You know before i started working with you i was an emotional wreck. With my mom sick and having to cater for my family on my own and all,it wasn't a funny experience ".

Amal spoke catching him off guard. He suddenly became more keen and curious to hear it all, what made her stand firm on her feet like she is now.

"What happened?  You never strike me as someone who lets their emotions get the best of them."

"Oh i just remember your outburst at my office a year ago".

He added with a laugh,the incident vivid in his memory. She gave a small shy laugh.
"Stop making me remember that embarrassing moment.  It's still embarrassing ".

He chuckled at her response and spoke again.
"Okay forget about that,let's talk about something else... Like who was Amal before she started working with me?".

"Well,there's nothing much to talk about me. I am a boring person living a boring life. The only difference is now i look forward to every new day because I've got some work to do,i have got files to attend to,i have got designs to construct, i have got a boss to arrange a schedule for and i have got a family to go back to".
He listened to her with keen interest as she talked about herself and what she does with passion. That's one thing he admires about her,she loves what she does and is always committed and dedicated to that work.

"You know,we don't always get what we want and how we want it. Life is so full of challenges,obstacles and curves along the way, what matters is how we emerge after overcoming these challenges".
He spoke for the first time.

"Yeah you're so right" she responded playing with the gold ring on her middle finger which drew his attention to the ring.

"So what about that ring... a promise ring from someone or ?"
He questioned expecting her to brush the question off,but to his utmost suprise,she answered the question.

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