Chapter 1

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Author Note:
This will start when she is still like a lab rat and didn't get caught by the government yet. I Hope you like it!

I woke up to my head throbbing, but that is normal for me to have my body in some sort of pain one way or the other. I looked around and found that I was still in my cell and chained to the wall and it was pitch black. I looked down at my hands I saw that there was dry blood on them and the smell of iron fill the dirty little cell I was in. 'I must have assassinated someone last night and therefore the reason why my head is throbbing'. I didn't like what I did by I didn't hate it either, I was content with it because I can't fight it and the people I kill are in some sort of way bad. Like they test on humans and other things like that, that goes unnoticed by the government.

The heavy door to my cell swung open and the light temporarily blinded me. A man came in dressed all in black and quickly undid the chains on my wrists and yanked me up rather harshly. It hurt but if it's one thing I learned in my time here is this: ' whimper-more pain, cry-more pain, scream-more pain don't let them now how much it hurts and just suck it up. As I walked down the old must hallway i saw other cells they used to be full of other test subjects like me but most of them died or went mental and killed themselves. Before I new it I was at the door to my lab and when I say my lab I mean the one that thy usually test on me in. They kicked open the doors and rushed me to the a table and they strapped me in so tight that I didn't move. "Well now lets see how well this new experiment shall work on you" stated a man in a white lab coat walking up to the table I saw one of his old wrinkly hand with a syringe in it. He had an insane smile on his face as he stabbed the syringe into my neck.

I wanted to scream but I know better and after the took it out of my neck my body started to shake violently and the man moved back still smiling like an loonitick. Suddenly my body stopped shaking and right after it stopped it felt like I just ran head first into a brick wall. I saw nothing but black. Then all at once I relived all my horrible memories being abused by the man in black, being tested on by the scientist, but one made me lose every ounce of self-control I had and lost it. The memory that made me this way.... was seeing my older brother getting killed over and over again! The one person in my life that didn't hurt me! The only one who loved me!

I couldn't control the rage and anger inside me any more. So I let go. All of the power that I keep under raps came lose. I melted the table that was confining me with my fire. I started to grow dark blue almost black scales around my sides of my face and some appeared on my arms as dragon like wings sprouted out of my back, my K9s grew sharper and my nails turned to claws. Agents and doctors came in to see what was going on they all stud in fear as I started to fly upwards. "Everyone go under lock down the monster is fighting back! I repeat! All agents will try to contain the beast!" One of the agents said into some sort of communicator. 'Beast, Monster that is all I'm ever called! But then again I guess I am' I thought as things around me started to melt. I turned and glared at the men "I don't thinks so! All of you will Parish!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and it was so loud that you could tell that it echoed thought out the whole building.

 I turned and glared at the men "I don't thinks so! All of you will Parish!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and it was so loud that you could tell that it echoed thought out the whole building

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I blasted my wings forward and with me being able to manipulate the air around me everyone was sent flying back wards. Some having their necks snapped and dead and others just knockout. I looked around and flow thought the roof and looked at the building and smirked "All of you shall burn in hell!" I yelled and burn down everything and everyone that was in the building all of there research destroyed.

I watched as everything burned and turn to ruble with a smile on my face for the first time every since I was 4 I had a real smile on my face and not a fake one. I then started to get light headed as I saw black dots dace across my vision. 'no!, the side effects of the new experiment is kicking in! Dang it!' I could tell that I started falling and plummeted towards Earth. I could barely breath and could tell that my wings and scales disappeared and I just let the darkness consume me.


Demons I get, but humans are crazy
Everyone started out a little insane but we learn pretty quickly how to fake it for the game
In order to get out of hell you have to dance with the devil

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