Chapter 6

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As I was walking off I could see Harley beating an already killed 'thing'. "Harley!" I turned around to see it was Deadshot who called her, she turned to look at him with her bat above her head ready to hit it again. "Hey. Come on." He said while just shaking his head.
"What!? I saw it move!" and juster-ed to the 'thing' she was beating. She kick it to prove her point "See it flinched." Croc and Diablo came to see what she was talking about. She bent down after kicking it "I think."

I just raised an eyebrow at this and saw Boomerang come up next to Diablo. "Hey. Your were some help. Princess." Diablo raised his head "It's better this way." He waved his had and flames came out "Trust me." I just gave the 'really' look even tough they couldn't see it. "Oh, you're the fire bloke. Eh?" "Ya I was" "Right. Yeah. Hey."
Boomerang took out a lighter and light it "Well. Look at here. Oh! It's fire. OOOOOOOH!" he said with his eyes bugged out. He closed it I stepped forward and lightly hit Diablo on the arm with the back of my hand. "Eh? How come you didn't help?" He looked down at me with the same look as before. 'Dam it! Why dose he keep looking at me like that!?'
"It's my business." That was all he said "I remember looking at one of you files back when. You hurt people with your fire and now you don't want to use it because you might hurt someone else or something along those lines." His eyes widen a little when I said that and some of the other guys got interested in this. "Maybe" I gave him a dead look and continued "Ya, well, whatever just use your fire to help us I mean really if you killed someone you didn't want to kill you think they'll want you to be some useless log or fucking help us kill these things"
Before he could answer Flag showed up with one of his men with his. "Terrorist. You want to explain this?" Flag turned to him "If I told you would you believe me?" No one talked for a little while so I pipped up "What are they?" "I don't know" was all Flag said "That's bullshit" Deadshot pipped up. "This guy had a $3,000 watch. Is that a person?" Flag kind of looked away then back at him. "It was. But now it's not"
He turned away "Hey, don't." He directed this to Boomerang "What?" he said standing up almost being eye level to Flag. "We got a job to do." Croc started to growl and and get up in Flag's face. He stepped back a little "Keep movin'" He turned back to the man he came with "Get your guys movin'" The man turned behind them "lets go" was all he was with cocking his head as a juster.
As the men were filling out we followed right after them I turned to Flag to see him talking into an ear piece. "Waller, we are moving on the objective. We lost contact with Bravo. You got the Visual?" All I hear was a muffled 'stand by' from Waller. After a few seconds I could hear her talking again "Flag, that's a negative. They were engaged when you were, but we lost them."
That was the end of the conversation between them. Now we were walking in silence by a few stores that weren't destroyed yet. All of a sudden Harley broke the glass case of the display of the store we were walking by and grabbed a small cute purse. Everyone was startled by this and by everyone I mean the 'troops'. They had there guns at the ready and Harley just though the purse over her solder and gave them a confused look.
"Seriously? What the hell is wrong with you people?" Flag stated after they saw that it was just Harley. She rolled her eyes "We're bad guys. It's what we do." and we just started walking again.
As we were walking Deadshot stopped and looked into a display with what looked like a family of manic-ans and a big yellow smiley face behind them. He seemed to be looking at the young girl manic-an the most. I walked up to him and tapped his arm lightly he looked down at me "come on" I said quietly he just nodded and took one last look at the manic-an and we walked off.
We started to walk though to what look like parts of a plain. "Take a knee" Flag said as he suddenly stopped and the man behind his lifted his are up as a singe to stop. We stopped and I looked up to see why he would do this. We stopped in front of a building that was glowing a golden color I walked up to Flag and so did Deadshot.
"Our body's is at the top of that building. Get up there, pull them out of the vault they're hiding in. Helos extract us off the roof. It's miller time" The man behind him nodded "Check."
Everyone started to go up to the building with there weapons at the ready. Once we got close enough to the glass door Flag knelled down with his gun still at the ready waiting further instruction from Waller. "Waller? We're about to enter the building. Get the chopper ready." Deadshot walked pasted us with his gun ready to fire and went up to Flag. "What do ya say we get this over with?" and kept on walking to the entrance "What the hell? Deadshot. Fall back." But of course he didn't listen but neither would I if I had to wait a second longer.
Deadshot went up to the door and 'opened it' but once he touched it, the door shattered and everyone went on the move to follow him with their machine guns up and ready and I had 2 of my pistils locked and loaded down relaxed at my sides and put my 'kill' face on with my normal smile and guns ready to shot some balls.
Flag caught up Deadshot "Mind if I tag along?"
I looked around to see an abandoned lobby with paper all over the floor and everything a mess. I saw were the computer is were all of the cameras are shone and it appears to still be working and Flag and Deadshot came up behind me to see what I was looking at.
Boomerang looked over the computer to see it to "Look like we got a spot of luck, eh? Be a walk in the park. Easy peasy." He said with a grin on his face. Deadshot looked up at him "Don't make me shoot you" He just kept that stupid grin on his face and nodded.
I just smiled when I couldn't find any of the 'things' or anyone else on the security cameras "Lets do this shit" I said with a smile. "Whip that smile off you face" I turned to Flag and did one of my cute closed eyed smile "Lock me up, Chain me down, But you'll never be able to turn my smile into uh frown" was all I said and walked off I could see from the corner of my eyes Harley had a big smile on in agreement and Deadshot had a small approving smile. I turned forward and continued on. 'This is gonna be fun'


Demons I get, but humans are crazy
Everyone started out a little insane but we learn pretty quickly how to fake it for the game
In order to get out of hell you have to dance with the devil

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