Chapter 5

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Deadshot turned to me and Harley "I'm gonna kill him" he mumbled. "Well you better make it quick" Harley replied. I nodded in agreement "'Cause he's gonna kill us one by one"I finished and to two nodded and continued walking. "I'm gonna drop him, the sword lady, five or seven of these SEALs. After that I'm gonna need some help are you two down with that?" "I'm in, what  about the crap in our necks?" I answered and Harley nodded.

He turned to Harley "Your friend gonna help us with that, right?" to which we stopped walking and Harley smiled at us and nugged us with her shoulders "You guys are my friends too." then calked her head in my directions "except her, I see her as a sister, daughter, or some cutie little puppy that can easily murder someone! And that's my kind of puppy!"

Deadshot rolled his eyes and cracked a smile smirk "Stay evil doll face and spread the word." then started to walk off which Harley followed. I looked around to see that something was off just to see Diablo dragging behind and kicking the ground. I rolled my eyes and slightly jogged towards him to get his but in gear. I don't know why I'm helping him but I guess that it's because he also can control fire and I don't feel much like a freak now or like I meet someone kind of like me just like the same thing with crock and the scales.

Once I got to him I grabbed his fingers and started to tug then a little to get his attention. He looked up confused and I can see a little bit of something else I couldn't place but I just pushed it to the back of my mind. "Come on we don't want to get left behind and have them think that we ran away and blow our heads off!"

He sighed and looked down guiltily 'now why the heck dose he look guilty!? I mean come on were the bad guys! Were not supposed to feel guilt!' I mentally fought in my mind. He looked up at me.. well down because I was so short, but he nodded "yeah lets go" I nodded in return and dragged him so we were standing by killer Croc.

I ran to catch up with Deadshot and Harley and saw some pretty well caused damage. I smirked and turned to face forward again 'Who ever done this has got to have some power. Good 'cause if they didn't then this mission would just me a wast of my time.'

I overheard one of Flag's soldiers and him talk on the radio with someone. "Boss, we got some people up here" "I'm on my way."

He then started to walk faster to our destination to which I can't wait till I get to do some of my own damage, they'll regret ever crossing paths with the Darkshadow.

Everyone started to get to a hiding spot while the rest of us just watch 'Really what's wrong if you can't handle something head on then get out'. They had their guns ready to shoot when told and I walked closer to Flag to see what's going on. "Shit, Amanda we have hostile up a head" he spoke into the radio on his shoulder. "Flag get out of there. We're not here to fight them. We know that doesn't work" "Copy that" He then leaned in to talk to one of his soldiers. "We're diverting. Bump out 2nd squad two blocks east. We'll pass though. Continue north." the solider nodded and repeated that into his radio to notified the others.

"Hey I like these odds mate, just say the word" Boomerang said while walked up beside us. I nodded in agreement "Me to, the more there are to more fun it is to take them all down and destroy the them" I commented with a smile. Harley smiled and nugged him and looked down at me and ruffled my hair with a smile "Yeah, come on" "Yeah, hold on a sec., hold that thought" he said as he walked away and I followed him pulling the machine gun off my back and into my hands.

As we were walking up to Flag Deadshot put on that one eye thing he has and started to scope out what we're dealing with. "Why do they look like that? Did they get into some radio active wast or something?" I asked "Just stay cool" was my only response form any of the adult men around me.

The creature foot soldier/thing started to talk in some were gibberish and I could see Katana in the corner of my eye that she was getting her sword ready to cut us in half if we did something. "What they heck are they?" I asked taking a quick glance at Flag and the quickly averted my eyes to the things in front of us. "If you cut and run princess. I'll blow your heads off." My fangs started to grow and I growled a little "You better watch your mouth you little shit for brains you know just as well as me that I can level this whole city. So you're 100% wrong, I'm not a princess I'm a fucking Queen!" I said as my eyes burned holes into the back of his head.

Deadshot smirked and patted my head as I looked up at him he seemed to look at me in almost proud agreement. 'I can't believe that I'm thinking this, but I think these bad guys are growing on me' I thought as I looked forward with a smile/smirk on my face. Both of us getting ready to shoot at the creatures and blow their heads off.

The creatures noticed us and started to fire. "Hit Them!" Flag yelled as we started to fire at them. I looked around to see if any were gonna sneak up behind us just to see Boomerang opening a soda can 'really!? You think now is the time to drink a soda!?' I just shook it off and concentrated on the enemy at hand. I saw all the others getting in there and bashing their head in with a bat and wanted to join in on the fun. I put my gun back and cleared my mind of everything. My eyes turned to slits and water form the water pips underground came out of ever were. I jumped on top of the car and I started to attack them. 'Now this is what I call fun' I thought with smirk.

I flung the water in all direction and froze it in mid are into sharp toothed icicles and stabbed them in there heads and stomachs. There was one that was about to jump on Flag so I grabbed my dagger from my boot and stabbed it to knock it off of him. 'Can't let him die yet 'cause if he dies we all die.' Flag looked up and nodded to me witch I returned.

I looked up to see the rest fighting. Harley shooting/bashing heads in with a bat, Katana cutting them in half, Boomerang using his boomerangs, Croc. ripping them into pieces and thoroughgoing them around like rag doll, and Deadshot shooting there heads off but there was one person missing.... Diablo.

But I couldn't worry about that now I saw Flag getting dragged away but the things and yelling "Get off! Let go you son of a.." I rolled my eyes "really he needs to be saved by a little girl again?" I mumbled to myself. "Harley!" I turned to see that Deadshot the one calling her "Good residence!" was all she had to say with a big grin on her face. Then it was my turn "Don't you get it!? He dies we die!" she rolled her eyes and and ran and bashed their heads into peaces with her bat.

She pulled Flag up "Thanks" "Shut up" was his response as she walked away. I heard someone yell over the shooting "Backlash clear" 'well that's my cue.' and Deadshot had the same idea we both walked down the street and shot or impaled them with water or ice as we walked. They all dropped dead one by one making sure none got passed us and there was none left.

Deadshot jumped off the can that we were on and I followed him. He walked up beside Flag "That's how I cut and run" he said and walked off. I walked up to him twirling my dagger between my fingers and looked up at his with a smirk on my face "Well look how had to get saved by a girl twice. I don't think that a weak princess would be able to do that" and walked off.


Demons I get, but humans are crazy

Everyone started out a little insane but we learn pretty quickly how to fake it for the game

In order to get out of hell you have to dance with the devil

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