Chapter 8

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After Waller gave us that little 'pep talk' we followed her and Flag up to the roof of the building. I looked around pretty board at this point since there is nothing to kill at the moment. I walked around ignoring all of the conversations that are going on between the soldiers and walked toward the edge of the building and stood on it and looking down. To most it'd probably look like I was debating to jump or not. While I was in my own little world I heard someone walking up behind me. Judging by the how heavy and how they kind of dragged their feet I could tell it was Diablo."Yo, Spade, get off the edge. Don't want you to get pushed off" he said like how a father would be lightly scolding his child to stay away from something while lightly garbing my arm to get me farther away from the 'danger', but in all reality even if I did fall I could easily get back to safety by either using my wings or by using fire, water, and/or air to repel myself back onto the said building but I just nodded my head let him pull me back to the others. I thought that it was weird on how he almost acts like a father would by sending me concerned glaces from time to time and just now he noticed how close from falling off the edge I was just a few seconds ago. I mentally shook at that thought and pushed it to the back of my head for the time being.

Soon after that he let go of me I looked around to see that Flag and Deadshot were sizing each other up like a couple of teenagers trying to intimidate each other. I simply rolled my eyes at this and took out a small pocket knife that I had found earlier and started flipping it open and twirling it around my fingers while watching the chopper slowly landing on the platform that was on the roof. I could feel that something was wrong I quickly put the knife away and traded it with my 2 pistols I looked to Flag and saw a flash of panic go though his eyes. "Our birds been jacked! Lit it up!" With that he and everyone else started shooting at the aircraft and it started to fire back at us. I was to busy dodging bullets to see where everyone was at. I could only tell that there were two people firing at us and one was laughing like a maniac 'Well looks like the Joker is here for Harley' I thought while avoiding he random firing bullets but some soldiers that were with Flag weren't so lucky.

I was able to run behind an armed generator and landed in-between Harley and Deadshot. Both of us looked at her giving he the 'really' face "What? Do I got a hickey or something?" she asked while rubbing her neck. I just rolled my eyes and reloaded my guns like I wasn't being fired at or trying to be killed. I heard a buzzing right next to me when the last magazine was locked into place and saw that Harley got a text from Joker that said 'NOW'. She gasped and looked up at us I slightly shook my head no but she seemed to happy/relieved to care/notice at the moment. She got up and started to walk to toward the aircraft with out being shot at "Harley!" Deadshot yelled at her to come back. I looked over to where Flag and Waller were hiding to see them tapping on the app that is supposed to kill us at any given moment. I could faintly hear over the loud noise about her chip being disarmed. I wiped my head back in her direction to see her take her jacket off and running toward a rope that dangled off of the chopper and she jumped to grab it.

I stood up and saw her safety on the rope blowing kisses to us and laughing. I felt ever so slight smile tug at the corner of my lip, but the moment was soon interrupted by Waller's shouting. She fast walked over to us since there are no more bullets being fired at us. "Deadshot! I want you to shoot that woman down!" she yelled while pointing to the laughing blond that's dangling off a rope. She then turned her cold glare to me. Most would wet their pants at that look but I wasn't fazed at all as I kept my usual 'I couldn't care less' face on She looked like she was about to say something to me but Deadshot cut her off "She didn't do shit to me" Deadshot stepped in between me and Waller. She shifted her gaze from me to Deadshot "You're a hit man right? I got a contract." She said a little to quickly "Kill Harley Quinn. Do it for your freedom and do it for your kid." Deadshot paused for a few seconds "Now she dead." was all he said as he walked over to the thing we were hiding behind and readied his sniper to take her out. Everyone was starring at him intently waiting for him to shoot as he slowly put his finger on the trigger. Harley was doing trikes on the rope and he shot at her, she started rolling down the rope and stopped from where we were she appeared to be dead. After a second she sprung up and just smiled and laughed at us. I had a ghost of a smile on my face at the fact that Deadshot missed on purpose. He calmly retracted his gun and walked over and bent down a little to Waller "I missed" he said while smiling and walked away "Good one, mate" I heard Boomerang mumble to him as Waller talked on her walkie talkie. I looked up at the chopper Harley got away in to see a missile heading right toward it, and burst into flames and it crash landed back down to earth.

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