Chapter 3

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"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, hold on for a second. Now why is there a little girl in here?" Smith asked while Flag walked towards me. I inwardly smirked 'time for the cute and insentient routine' I thought.

He grabbed and dragged my by the back of my neck so that we're in front of what Smith just called the 'Suicide Squad'. Flag bent down and whispered in my ear "You know the rules you disobey me you die, you try to escape you die, you try to ether irritate or vex me you die, and for you expensively if you try to assassinate or kill any one your not allowed to-" "I die right? I been through this all before every mission I got on so you don't need to wast your disgusting breath on me. I mean really have you never heard of toothpaste?" I asked with a sweet smile looking up at him.

Everyone even the guards ether chuckled or smirked at what I just said. Flag just growled and pulled me ear up. I unconsciously bared my fangs, eyes slit, and the scales on my face appeared. He dropped me instantly and pushed me to killer croc "Great I forgot that we have another scaly freak in the mix".

My face turned back to normal then Harley suddenly came up and hugged me to death. "She's our little monster! She's so cute! Can I keep her please!?" I pushed her away and back up a little bit looking and patting my arms and neck. "now what's wrong with you?" I looked to Flag "The last time I got hugged they put needles in my neck and arms to knock me out" I stated simply and shrugged my shoulders like it's the most normal thing in the world.

"Now that's just messed up dude" Diablo pipped up. I just shrugged my shoulders again and looked around at all of them to see that all of them had there weapons and I didn't. "Hey! How come they get weapons back and I don't!?" I shouted while pointing at then all childlike and turned to Flag. He rolled his eyes "Fine, what weapons do you want?" I did a closed eyes smile "A Desert Eagle.50AE pistol,

50AE pistol,

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Colt Bobra,

2 Brownning 9x 19mm,

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2 Brownning 9x 19mm,

M249 Light machine gun,

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M249 Light machine gun,

M249 Light machine gun,

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and two daggers "

Everyone's eyes went wide one they hard the types of weapons come out of that girls mouth

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Everyone's eyes went wide one they hard the types of weapons come out of that girls mouth. Flag just nodded and not a moment later a man came out with her said weapons. She put the Cobra and desert eagle in the two opening on her back were her pants are the other two pistols on the side of her hips, strapped the daggers one on each side of her leg, and the machine gun on her back.

She turned to look at them "What?" everyone was starting at her like she was crazy then Deadshot spoke up. "And what makes you think that you can even shot those?" gesturing to the guns on her. Spade smirked and put a hand on her hip "because I assassinated people with these exact type of guns perfectly. So ya I think I can shoot pretty well thank you"

Everyone's eyes bulged out at what she just said "So you telling me that SHE'S the Darkshadow!" Boomerang yelled. I put on a confused face and nodded "Well ya who did you think I was?" and tilted my head in a cute dog way.

"Ya no way is this her, Darkshadow is one of the best known criminals in the world! Because she can assassinate anyone and not leave a trace! And there is no way some little brat like this can be her!" Slipknot said. Spade shook her head and rolled her eyes.

Flag interrupted them when Spade was about to correct him. "That's what we all thought but just like the rest of you but more like crazy over there-" he said as he pointed to Harley "she is not to be underestimated and can be very dangerous like the rest of you! Now lets get all of you asses up in the helicopter and get this show on the rode!"

Everyone was pushed into the helicopter and Spade was in between Deadshot and Harley. She pulled her right knee into her chest and rested her chin on it. She could feel all of the eyes of everyone drilling into her head. She glanced at everyone and Deadshot and El Diablo looked like they were giving her sympathy!? Like what the hell no one has every given her that before usually it's just crazy eyes and disgust, but not them but why!?

Deadshot spoke first "Why you look like that? You want to go home?" Spade didn't look up at him and shook her head "I don't have any home to go to" "What about your family? Like your dad or-" he started but she cut him off "Let me tell you something I have no home and no family there all dead ok?"

Harley looked down at me with a weird look like she felt sorry for me and looked like I was some little sad puppy that she just wanted to hug and basically squeeze the life out of 'weird?' "How? You kill 'em or something? Oh! And I heard that you have powers like tattoo guy over there?" she jerked her thumb in the direction of Diablo. I nodded my head "ya I can control water/ice, wind/air, and fire and you've seen my 'lizard like fetchers' but I also have wings. And no I didn't kill by family they were dead before I was even tested on" she just nodded and looked away I just shrugged it off and looked at my boots just as the helicopter landed and in popped a woman with short black hair and a white mask with a red dot on it with a sword. It was Katana.

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