Chapter 2

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I was starting to be pulled back into reality but I couldn't move my body or even open my eyes but I did feel the pain come rushing back and a ringing in my ears. Once the ringing started to die down it turned into some muffled voices as if the were under water. 'So this is the Darkshadow? I thought she would be older, not some little girl' said the voice of a woman that I didn't know. 'This is her. We tested some of her DNA and it matched that of the one at the assassination' the low voice of a man said.

I was finally starting to see and get feeling back into by system. I realized that I was strapped into a metal chair 'well this is totally original' I thought and rolled my eyes. I looked up to see that they haven't noticed me yet, yet once I looked at them longer the more filmier they appeared.

"Now, do you understand your mission?" asked the loonitick scientist in-front of me. All I did was nod with my usual emotionless face on and looked at the other two files that he had in his hand. He followed my gaze too see what I was looking at. "Oh, well aren't you the sharp one?" then he started to do a mad man's laugh then continued "Well of course you are! I made you that way!" and soon after his laughing fit he calmed down but still had a crazy smile on his face. "Now, lets continue" he said while opening the the two files and laying them down in front of me. "You need to watch out for these two! They really don't mess around!" he said/laughed like a total idiot. I looked at their names and faces the two were no other than 'Rick Flag and Amanda Waller'

'Dang it! Of all the people to get me locked up again it had to be Flag and Waller!' I screamed in my head. The two said people turned around to her to see she was awake "Hmm..So your system is stronger than most. That should have knocked you out for at least a day yet it only lasted for 2 hours" said Waller walking closer to the bars of my cell. I said nothing just looking at her with my cold dead eyes what would frighten most to death with just one look. She just smirked in return and nodded towards Flag which nodded back and nodded to the guard next to the hall that led out of this hell house.

I got my mind and body ready for whatever they had in mind for me, I could take anything and still come out on top.

The next thing I know Is that I was hit in the stomach by one of the guards witch knocked the air out of me and strapped me to a wheelchair. Waller walked in front of me and bent down to look me in the eyes and said this "You're going to do something really good that with most likely get you kill." I growled at her and my k9s sharpened again. 'Like Hell I'll Help You!' I tried to say but it just came out all muffled.

I was pushed though some heavy looking double doors to what seamed like doctors with a powered up syringe. As they rolled me up to them the stabbed it into the side of my neck and it hurt like Hell! My neck started to twitch witch only happens if something was put into it like the one time my target tried to put a tracking device on me witch didn't work, and for shore didn't make it to see the next sun rise.

They rolled me out to what is like a prison yard with armed men everywhere. One of them walked up to me and looked important to be in second in command. "Now listen here brat, that thing in you neck is a boom. It's as small as a grain of rise but as powerful as a grenade." I put on my sickly sweat smile and cut him off "So it's just like me then right? Nice and small but as powerful enough to kill everything single one of you." The man growled ready to just rip my head off, but then smiled and chucked and held up a phone "you see this just one touch on this little screen and boom! You're dead" I just glared and showed my now sharp K9s that could rip his neck in half.

He backed up a few feet and pushed a button that made the restrains come off. I slowly got up and felt two what seamed to be gun balers pushed into my back. I looked to see I was right and smirked and crossed my arms as they ushered me farther into the yard.

I looked up to see that Flag just done giving a speech with Waller on an ipad and when he was done he looked at me and so did the others he was yelling to and now that I got a good look at them I knew who they were. They were none other than Captain Boomerang, Deadshot, Slipknot, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, and El Diablo.

'Well things just got interesting' I thought to myself as I saw there face looked shocked and confused as to why a little girl is here 'And they have no idea who I am, well this is going to be fun' I thought to my self and smirked.


Demons I get, but humans are crazy
Everyone started out a little insane but we learn pretty quickly how to fake it for the game
In order to get out of hell you have to dance with the devil

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